
Jon was still holding the grapple for another second when the crowdn and her mom in the audience shouted that it's over. Jon, you won!

 Huh, I did!, Jon thought and losen her grip of Rome. Ericka went out of the lodge and clasped Jon's hand to congratulate her. She lost fair and square. Jon, smiled but since thinking about the next match with Dunea, made her veins shiver from fear. Dunea is not just an ordinary fighter, she is an ospian and can use her powers to calculate and instinctively know her every move. Haa…it's going to be hard but I'll try to beat her to her own game!, Jon added.

 The fighters are given an hour to rest. Another guest appeared on stage and danced. Supreme Leader Violet walked out of the VIP area or where guests are seated to check up on Ericka. Hey, baby! Great fight! Are…you okay?

 Mom! You're here! Wow! Ah…haaa..well, I tried but Jon is a smart warrior and she deserves this win!, Ericka said and hugged Violet. Anyway, no matter what happens you are a wonderful fighter and an impressive Flighter, so this is just another milestone for you and did a good job doing it! I'm proud of you, darling!

 Thanks mom! I love you!, Ericka said and smiled. So, Dunea will fight Jon, huh! Good luck to her!, Violet said and Ericka responded, hmmm, yeah!

Mon!?, haha!, Jon said while running to hug her mom from the rink to the fighter's lounge.

 My Johanna, haha!, Mon said and hugged the girl. You still have another fight. Good luck and no mater what happens, I'm here and your friends are here too, for you!

 Yes, I know and I will win it! I wil become the champion mom! I feel it. It's my time and I will do everything in my power to win!, Jon added. Mon is in tears and she can see in her daughter's eyes that determination, the fire, that relentless desire to win, to be who she wants to be. And she knows Jon will win this fight. She doesn't know why but she feels it too, in her gut, that, in no time soon, Jon will be the Champion of the Bout. Jon just needs to defeat Hayaka!, Mon thought and this made her a little worried.

 The ring background changed from the lava mountains to outer space scenery. The Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy merger that just contemplating it is so beautiful, colorful and majestic. Every one is in awe that their eyes are only stuck on watching the fight more than ever before.

 Next up is Dunea and Johanna's battle. Who would win this fight!? Soon, on Giga Net 54…. Live at Zero Dome Rink….watch us live, from Zero, Majarlica, Earth, other planets, to Milky Way and other galaxies….haha….here we go!, Polo said.

 Hi, Oh, my, Kara, how are you?, Dunea said since Kara contacted her to wish her good luck. I know you are busy with the competition why I and Lofi just tried our best to finish your orders on finding solutions for Sufi's storms. But we have already found solutions and now it's being tried on our planet. We have found that the storms are purely natural and phenomenal depending on our moons positions and sizes. Just like earth's moon, Luna, when its shape changes to half, full or an eclipse, the seas and environment of the Earth shifts too, Kara said and smiled. Queen General Ava is watching on and she's proud of you. She wanted to call you but your line seems turned off or busy. She ahs a lot of things to do in the kingdom since Prince Kimiko and Izume are in their honeymoon. Congratulations in advance Commander!, Kara added.

 I missed you and Lofi! See you guys soon! Thank you!, Dunea added while preparing herself for the fight.

 Now, we are almost in the last fight for the Champ Bout! Ladies and gentlemen, here are our finalists, Dunea and Johanna, Polo presented the girls who are about to ride their MS, RS elevating through the lodge and inside user's pit. Gail has adviced the fighters to get ready for as the light goes off, the tournament will start and they will no longer be able to stop it.

 The stage changed its background from the usual podium and talent show theater or TV to a rink now on fire. Dunea and Jon will fight inside the fiery location and the audience are already shouting and rampaging in excitement and thrill.

 Jon and Dunea are both psyched to finish the Bout on time. And now since it's about to start, their MS, RS robots stood on both ends of the ring like anticipating the fight will not go in vain. Ready, set, go! Fight!!!, Gail shouted and the DCTV drones moved to and from, around the dome and out so th universe would see and enjoy the fight live on streams and on Giga Net. 

Ready, set, go! Fight!!!, Gail shouted and the DCTV drones moved to and fro, around the dome and all through-out the universe for people to see and enjoy the fight streaming live on Giga Net.

 A wormhole was discovered by Albert Einstein but never proved that it really existed until the nineteenth century. And now a wormhole which is the shortcut to time travel is the key tool used why Teleportation, the Bridge, Lift and Elevator is very in demand not only in outer space trips but also galaxy hopping. Time Lapse is one of the major ingredients why speed of light makes sense, and holds wormholes intact. From a black hole where the ship or human can't enter unless dead or get shredded to pieces, travelers use a shortcut path which is called a Portal, the Bridge, then later became the Lift. Through the portal, the ship or human will enter into a long hole like inside a worm's body, though dark and eerie, it's easier, though can be slower than a millisecond than a sped up light, it's precise and stable. In fact, the traveling is faster and steadier.

 Then, when the time-lapse happens, all including ships, people, or things tend to move in slow motion, as if there's no gravity, and every thing seems timeless, weightless like in eternity. But when an aircraft or person or thing survives the travel, though just in a short distance, seems endless, will get out of the worm hole and enter the white hole to be sput out of there. If the black hole sucks everything in, the white hole spits everything out. The only problem is which even us scientists still hadn't found how a ship can enter the wormhole without being sucked in by a black hole which is beside every wormholes since after that the white hole will appear since that's what it is in their natural cycle or course. It's a mystery how Queen General Ava and the Aureans use wormholes so boldly without being torn into pieces or get lost inside it as well. Hmmm….I have asked General Ava about this several times but she seemed reluctant in disclosing the evidence and fact about time travelling and the wormholes.