Wormhole 2

Wormholes are essential for battles and it has been used for ages so, it's just natural for me to discuss and know what's really behind it and it's magic!, Aoi thought while flying a rover drone instead of the four-wheeled rover. Sorry to disappoint, I want to watch Dunea and Johanna's fight so I asked Sir Dan for this monstros clearance. So, off we go to Zero, hehe!, Kaori said while maneuvering the Rover Drone like a professional pilot she is. Have I told you that I'm a professional pilot for DOGS Academy?, hihi! I am a licensed pilot why I can fly this. I can even pilot a Boeing, AirBus or CRAWL.

 Wow! that's amazing! You're amazing!!, I said and hugged my wonderful girlfriend who is aside from being one of the coolest scientist in the world, she is an awesome pilot too. What do you know! I catched a big fish mom!, Aoi added praying to her mom who is in heaven now and smiled at Kaori who already parked the Rover at one of the air pods that automatically moved to catch (like there's magnetic field that reacts instantaneously from the cars, ships, etc. power/mechanical systems) their vehicle (which parks on numerous moving air pods simultaneously with every ship, car or skims, the pods are like catching and then keeping all incoming vehicles positioning them on every parking space at different levels, yet, without bumping, crashing or hitting each other. It moves in utmost precision like playing a song in a old jukebox where the player chooses the song then plays it and returns the 'plaka' to it's proper place when it's over. Then another plaka would roll and play and so on and so forth. It goes on and on and on and on) near Zero Dome.

 Let's go! We will miss the fight!, Kaori said while holding Aoi on the hand running to the Dome for her idols Bout. I love Dunea and Aoi loves Johanna. We would argue about who's going to win the fight today. But the looser would definitely suffer and treat the winner with dinner or something nice. If she wins against me and my idol! Hmp! Not in a million years! Blue Girl is supernatural, so she is definitely going to win this!, Kaori thought smiling. Aoi just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders while we walk to the front seats where she planned to sit us both even before she bought the tickets, like a month ago, I think!, Kaori thought then moved to sit quickly and thanked Aoi aloud for the seats and said that she loves it. Aoi smiled and winked at me.

 Now, the fight begins!, Kaori added in her head. Wow, the background is so realistic, like the two MS are about to set on fire and explode in front of us on the rink. Amazing!

 Well, the MS won't likely explode since the location is just a fiery scene from a war that happened centuries ago. I think it's against the Sentinels and ahh…Xerxians? Why this, everyone had a bad experience in this battle. But …haaa…whatever! The fight is starting, maybe people wouldn't remember this scene at War Front!?, Kaori thought but an elderly couple watching beside us seemed to remember, then said, 'how insensitive!'. I know why it's disgusting to look at the background now, but, I just shut my mouth and didn't react. Aoi is so dumb founded by the fight she didn't recognize the Scene of the Fight. Then, it's a good thing, I guess!, Kaori said and just tried to enjoy the Bout. It won't matter anyway, since Dunea and Jon's battle is what's important than the past!