Unity in Diversity

Why is this happening, again!?, Violet thought while seated on her chair as Chaiman of the Council for Majarlica government, since she is indeed the Supreme Leader of the nation and the universe. Haa…I remember when father used to till our land in Belvedere that his palms bled just to prepare the field for planting. It is a wonderful place to live in, we can eat fruits, vegetables and grains all we want. However, tilling lands is a tedious work and it's not a joke planting seeds under the gruesome heat and hours of spending time just to make sure everything is perfect so we can harvest rice and vegetables every time, all year round.

 How come other countries such as Japan, Vietnam or Korea have machineries to till lands and get more profit than in Majarlica then. Before the war my father was poor and became poorer when war broke out as my mom tended to me, she worked for a sales company which gave her minimum salary. All should have been better but not during the war. I made sure Majarlica and other nations in the world and planets in the universe to have the peace we have worked for many years to uphold. And now this!? I have worked so hard to make Majarlica beautiful and rich, Earth and all other planets, safe and profitable to live in. I won't let these mongrels ruin my nation, world and universe. Never! I won't allow such barbaric actions not in my lifetime, not ever even in the after life! Never!, Violet said who suddenly stood as Michelin watch his leader clutch her knuckles in anger and strength.

 Violet, you truly have grown mature! I tended to you when you were just a teen ageras you held this position. A huge responsibility that the universe has placed upon your shoulder since SL Dorothea was assassinated. Haa…I wish I could do more to help you! Maybe I can and it will be a great honor to lay my life for you, my leader!, Michelin thought as he silently gazed on Violet who is still appreciating the beautiful sunrise as its rays shone on her near the window of the conference room. The early morning emergency meeting was officialy over and the council officials along with leaders from across the universe decided to fight and retaliate against the Sentinels.

 Michelin told Violet to speak to the people of Majarlica and the world since the Sentinel invasion is near. We must get ready and buckle up. Flighters from all over the universe are flying over to the War Front to stop the invaders. She asked all to pray that our fighters, soldiers and warriors would defeat, if not destroy the Sentinels since they will not spare anyone from their tyranny and monstrous apetites. Sentinels are known for their greediness and lust for power, riches, food and women. They rape anyone as long as they are girls or women and loot anything they find for money, flesh and food. Thank you and may God protect us!

 Haa…this isn't happening, again! I don't think I can take this sh*t anymore. It's always been like this and these monsters tend to do what they want whenever they want just to piss me off!, Violet added and stomp her knuckle on top of the podium hand rest.

 Never will I allow these mongrels to threaten our peace and promote havoc while I'm around! I promise you that this incident will never happen again!, Violet cried out in the media while the cameras zoomed in to see every curve of the supreme leader's facial feature. Her rage can't be described. Everyone watching including Ericka's D'Caffe friends, DOGS Academy Center agents and Flighters who are still in there first year of the course, Ground Zero citizens and all Districts in Majarlica and the world, including the universe, are in awe and now hopeful for Flighters to win the war against the Sentinels.

 Violet asked Michelin to contact Captain Red or Priscilla. She is a licensed engineer now who manages her own company Skull Shipping Idustry. They fabricate metals and put them together per parts to build a ship, space, water or air ships. Water ships consist of submarines or sea ferries, then for space ships, it could be a war or CRAWL ship. And lastly, air ships which are very popular and in demand now that almost every one wants a rover drone or a private airjet.

 Michelin advised Priscilla to build Air Jets and War Ships for the soldiers from International Flyers and Travellers of the Universe Fighters. They need to secure Earth starting from outside its grid and area of responsibility. Priscilla called out her clients and collaborators including Armac and Galatea to help each other in building these ships as soon as possible. Both companies have about five hundred air jets and rover drones for sale that they can donate so Priscilla and her team would be able to have additional time to build more ships in the coming days. Renaldo Galatea sent some of his brilliant engineers to lend a hand and Herman Armac provided free meals for the staff in the laboratory and in operations by lending his chefs. He also sent a few scientists to make sure the ships would pass quality control and won't easily blow up or get destroyed to protect the fighters riding them in the line of duty and fire. Armac provided Skull with materials, durable/pliable metal parts and vending machines for coffee, soda and more drinks/food. The vendo is my favorite donation and it's a blast!, Priscilla thanking Armac for everything. 

Thank you, Priscilla! Renaldo, Herman, guys, I don't know what to say but I'm truly grateful and deeply in debted to all of you! Let's make this work! Fight!, Violet said (then while listening to her say the word 'fight' in a convincing, forceful note, is like waging war against an opponent inside the rules of Victor of Fire Bout) in a conference call with Armac, Galatea, Priscilla and some scientists and engineers to head project "Save Earth".