Every one managed to laugh with the phrase the supreme leader gave away (let's make this work! Fight!). Violet along with Michelin giggled as they ended the conference call feeling light, determined, inspired and recharged about the successful outcome of the meeting with some of the most influential, powerful and rich people of Majarlica. Huh, so now, back to the real world!, Violet added and looked at Michelin with ease and confidence. Let's kick some Sentinel butts!

 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…..Secure the perimeters, Dan shouted. You, you, all of you Flighters present here (and they are about fifty men and women soldiers). When the CRAWLS appear and come out of the Shaft, make sure that they are our team, if not, shoot and kill them! Don't hesitate for we don't really know what's inside the wormhole coming from this machine. We haven't fully tested it, and it's just now that we are able to make it work, somehow!, Dan added and also prepared his 45 digital uni-calibre which automatically shoots whenever the target is on full view. It's amazing that Dan and Lena acquired some so they can use them when needed and for safety reasons as well. Scientists like them who do and join military operations and war drills happen to meet with accidents, plots to their life or untimely deaths due to their position at Gateway Lab and as government's partners in science and space experiments. 

 Violet and the government funds Gateway and other science laboratories that help in making and building Mobile, Robo Skims or suits for the country, world and universe's soldiers.

 Sh*t!, how come they aren't coming out!?, Dan said and motioned for the Flighters on their MS and RS to stabd by and shoot when they need to.

 Sir Dan!!! Huh….haaa….water, please, get me some water!, a soldier from one fo the CRAWLS came out running, asking for a drink which Lena ordered a Flighter to give the man a drink, a bottle of mineral water and handed it to the confused man.

 The Flighter is on her MS and she is about 300 foot tall bringing the small bottle of water to the soldier, when he suddenly vomited and his body changed. As if his skin is melting, his face is beginning to distort. We are all shocked to see his body melting infront of our eyes until he is no longer standing, just a melted person with his bones and fatigue blending to a mixture of flesh, blood, water and pieces of clothing.

 Aoi and Kaori ran to check what really happened with the CRAWLS along with the twenty Flighters who escorted them inside the Shaft.

 The group entered the Shaft slowly and carefully. They didn't want to kill anyone but if they need to they won't hesistate to shoot anyone even if they are one of the DOGS Flighters or Officers of the G-Force Police. Reaching the middle of the warehouse, Aoi, Kaori and the Flighters only saw five CRAWLS. To Aoi and Kaori's shock, they only saw melting Flighters inside the ship. Their MS and RS are okay but some of the soldiers who thought they can survive the wormhole and the warp stage outside the white hole which is very critical that a huert or ospian knows that he or she shouldn't get out of the CRAWL or their MS, RS to keep out of no or less gravitational pull and push, and mostly the probable danger of separating from one's consciousness, body and soul departing from a past to go to the present then coming back to the present to put a hold into the future. Though the wormhole has time warp and lapse, being spewed by the white hole must have hurt even if it's just a couple fo minutes. Still it's like being shredded to pieces realizing that your body is moving to a new and unknown dimension. Aoi grabbed the video tape that recorded what really happened with the CRAWLS and Flighters in, out and the time they fought or maybe stopped the Sentinel ships of over 50, 000.

 It took Aoi and Kaori about thirty minutes to check on all the CRAWL pilot, passengers/ Flighters as they used their machineries and digital laptops they brought from the lab here at the motel they checked in near the Shaft. Dan, Lena, doctors, nurses are with the Flighters who survived the chaos. They are being questioned by Sir Dan and Madame Lena as we are checking on the videos shot in between the experiments and the battle inside the wormhole, if they were any.

 The CRAWLS along with the Flighters inside their MS and RS were able to shoot misslies and bombs that killed fifty and more Sentinel ships. But when the CRAWLS are about to lodge back the Shaft, some Sentinels who came out of the warp suddenly appeared and shot some of the Flighters, causing the ruckus and death of rhe soldiers. Injuring the MS and RS are also injuring the users and riders of the robots that it made their bodies exposed and vulnerable from radiation and cut through their molecular body masses compositon to degenerate and melt since there is no gravity inside the hole and the shift from the wormhole to the white hole made it harder for these Flighetrs to be spewed out since their bodies were left inside the wormhole because of the Sentinels attack.

 Too bad! I thought we were succeeful in making the Shaft safe for soldier use. Haaa….those Sentinels are really evil. I hope they rot in hell!, Dan said while Lena is caressing his back to support him. We made a perfect invention and it was a success, but we didn't see this coming since the Sentinels won't give up on conquering Earth. At least our Flighters have destroyed their ships which are about to invade us. Honey, calm down, we are still in this together. And we will win this war!, Lena added and smiled at Dan who is worried about the incident.

 Michelin, hi, can I speak with the Leader, please!?, Lena said. Yes, Violet! We were able to secure some of our Flighters but we lost about 800 of them inside the Shaft!

 God, Lena, why did you use it when I specifically ordered you and Dan not to meddel with it without proper testing! Haa….we needed those soldiers at the War Front! But what is the status of the Sentinels and their legions!?, Violet scolded.