
 Xerxian is currently swimming in an alien-made river bend nude, when his holo phone rang. Yes, Kroska, oh, brother! Glad for you to remember calling me…it's been a….! Huh! What? Are you sure! Alright, I'll be right over!, Xerxian said and ran out of the riverbend with some naked women disappointed to see their king coming out of it without making love to them, this time. Sorry my ladies! Duty calls!, mwah..I'll see you later, hahaha!!, Xerxian said as he kisses the women, five of them playfully splashing waters at him.

 Xerxian is a stoic, stoned-built, handsome king, a strikingly strong and abled man now. His cyborg legs (inside the real skin) made perfectly fit for him by his scientists and engineers. These legs are built for battle and the war he was scared all his life to face, is about to start. In his mind, he will do anything to save his daughter.

 You won't hurt my daughter! You won't take her away from me, again, not this time!, Xerxian thought feeling infuriated that Kroska said this in a heartbreaking tone knowing that the huerts, ospians hostaged his daughter Claudia. Xerxian even didn't have time to ask how she got there. His hatred against huerts has already disappeared but not this time. Everything seems to come back just like what happened in the past with Violet and her Ericka! No, maybe there's some explanation why Claudia went out of her way to go or maybe run away, to Earth, what then!?, Xerxian added thinking and now confused. Then thought of his brother and how the man always talked about war against Earth and universe. Kroska!!!!, you fool!

 Captain of Schlors and the other Sentinel ships near Jupiter are about to retreat when Kroska ran to stop him. Stop, continue the march to War Front and we will have Xerxian here in an hour so be prepared for combat. We will win this time with Xerxian and his soldiers help. Hahaha! I can taste the victory and it is in my grasp, now!, Kroska added.

 The Sentinel ships seemed to back down sir but now they are continuing their pursuit of battle and forward to War Front!, the staff on enemy ships coordinates at Carpathia said. Thank you Nel!, Sergeant Co said. Bones, Bonnie, go and tell your teams to destroy the Sentinels nearing the Front. Don't let any enemy ship near that Front, you hear me or we'll end up roasted ducks in no time. Sentinel ships are still charging! I don't understand but it's weird how they move and it's very slow from our end to think they will retreat. Hey, Jax, are you guys almost here!? How many are you?

 Yes, boss, we are just about to enter the grid and out to avoid a black hole, it just appeared out of nowhere but we will arrive there in 1400 hours. We have ten CRAWLS and inside them are about 100 each MS and RS flighters, flyers and officers, Jax added and signed off.

 Alright! Good, these Sentinel guys aren't retreating I think they are regrouping when I got a message from Gateway space station that the ships inside a wormhole were destroyed by our own people!, Co added sighing in relief. Nice! Alright see you soon!

 Haa, that's indeed a relief! Now we just need to take care of these monsters from our end at the Front and we will see later if this is the right decision we should be making. After all we don't have the luxury of time to lose in a war like this!, Jax thought and ordered CRAWLS to fly double time. Hit it guys, and gals!

 Hey, Sisi! Yeah, okay, I am at the USN at Air Level. Still monitoring the events happening one at the same time from War Front, DOGS Flighter Center and at Gateway Shaft Warehouse. Huh, yeah, that would be fab! Alright, I'll see you, then!, Violet said while breathing heavily surprised that Sisi is already in front of her office door. Huh! Baby! It's nice to see you again!, Violet cried and ran to hug the woman then kissing her mouth to ease her anxiety a little.

 Michelin is busy with communications and his efforts to know what's happening inside Earth and outer space with Sentinels invasion. He wants Violet to relax and not get upset or anxious because of this fiasco. This…Krosko is known for his arrogance and hatred against huerts and ospians all together. He was humiliated from his failed attempt to conquer Earth twenty years ago. Krosko was just twenty years old then. I know him very well. He was my best friend at the laboratory since an exchange student from Omega during those times when the universe and every one likes each other and war isn't an option we choose if there's some misunderstanding between culture, race, gender, faith, type of DNA (whether a huert, ospian, alien or robot/AI) etc. Krosko, why? is there no love there in your heart now that you have gained the power of Omega's as next in line to the throne? Huh! You never changed, still a fool to think you can win against huerts and ospians!?, Michelin added and laughed. Krosko is still as stubborn as always.

Priscilla and her pirates in are inside the Skull which is now reinvented to fight Sentinels. It has not only canons but bombs and machine guns to fire from long ranges and it's so cool. Priscilla is with some TOV's and Internattional Flyers nearing the Front. They arrived at long last and ready to fight the Sentinels head on.

 Welcome to War Front, Madame or let's just say Captain Red!, Bonnie said out loud on the holo receiver.

 Thank you! We are at your disposal and so where are these Sentinel sh*ts!?, Hehe!, Priscilla cried teasing.

 Violet and Sisi along with Michelin and his team rode a Rover Drone and flew for easy access to DOGS Flighter Center. Violet is relieved that Lloyd was the one who is questioning the girl who is presumed to be a spy or alien enemy from Omega sent to lure or confuse us in the raging fire of war that is happening now on the Earth's grid.