Red Dog & Maestros

She wants to make sure that Claudia isn't Xerxian's daughter and if indeed she is, then she needs to protect her along with Ericka and the rest of the world from Xerxian and or Krosko.

 If Claudia came here of her own accord then Xerxian might not know that she did this to help stop the war, maybe. Yet, Xerxian is a fierce and scary opponent. I hope that he would think about this incident clearly and listen to the voice of reason before raging war against us because he wants to save his daughter.

 Xerxian came in to the masters room and talked with the captain of Schlors. He knew that this invasion is Krosko's doing and his daughter might have thought that in order to save Earth she needs to go there and make peace with them. Haa…Krosko!!!!, Xerxian is shouting now.

 Yes, brother, good to see you too!, Krosko said calmly.

 What the heck are you doing? I told you many times before that we don't need a war to resolve equal treatment for our colony and kingdom. We can just talk to the supreme leader about this. And we have lived peacefully without any qualms or dispute against the huerts and ospians. Krosko you are making a bug mistake, my brother!, Xerxian added and about to tap Krosko's shoulder but he refused to be consoled.

 No!!!! We have suffered indifference and now is the time to claim what is truly ours. Earth and the other planets supposed to be ouor allies and our colonized territories. But because of your compassion and silly vision of peace, we are left in the dumps. Out of gold and slaves, we are not a strong kingdom anymore but a bunch of monsters who are being kept away or locked out of the universe forever!, Krosko said in anger.

 Krosko, we made a big mistake before and now you are making another one. We are a free universe and anyone can live whatever they want or decide to. So are you! Don't do this just because you thought we are different or outcasts. We aren't and Violet have proved that for many years now. Madua from Proxima and other planetary nations have pledged their support and allegiance to the Supreme Leader. I have too, and with this we area all united though diverse in many ways. It doesn't matter and….., Xerxian added but Krosko punched him on the face that left a cut on the king;s lower lip.

 Seize him!, Krosko ordered to the guards inside the master control room. The soldiers are looking at the king and the general confused but Xerxian held his arms up to show he respects his brother and now surrendering his power to him. He doesn't want to hurt his own brother but already sent a video message to Violet about Krosko's plans. Krosko imprisoned the king to a guarded quarters so he can't escape. Though Xerxian already knew this would happen he already warned Violet about what could happen now that Krosko is in control and command of Schlors and the Sentinels.

 Dunea, Ericka, Hayley, Akhmed, Yogi, Rene, Cecilia, Jon and Hayaka went inside the CRAWL for lift off. They are now powering for the wormhole as time warped and lapsed, they already stood before Earth's grid to the war front. Lloyd ordered the Bull Dogs to travel ahead of him since he still needs to question Claudia while Violet is there to support him to know the alien's purpose. This might help stop the war and that is the only way to save soldiers lives for the Earth, universe's sake.

Xerxian, after bribing his own guards to get out of the cell wanted to take control of the Schlors. He moved silently and grabbed Krosko by the arm then side kicked his brother so hard that he went flying to the ceiling and was knocked unconsious afterwards. Xerxian killed the Sentinel soliders on the ship who pledged their loyalty to their general and ordered the other loyal soldiers to tie the Krosko up and those who are still alive inside the ship. Schlors is the biggest war ship of Sentinel and Xerxian. Both helped built this years ago and still is the strongest fighter ships across the universe. He wanted to make a difference and uphold the peace that every one has worked hard achieving for many years. He won't let his brother ruin his promise to Violet. Xerxian can see about 8,000 or more from where he is at and about three thousand or so, MS, RS and other international soldiers are already firing and fighting his Sentinels that reached the Front.

 Xerxian moved and stepped on the ships accelerator to be able to block and shoot against the Sentinels to protect the huert and ospian soldiers. He wants to make a difference and make his daughters proud of him, just this once, since he can no longer change the past, now is his chance to do so.

Red Dog is seen a couple of miles from war front. It is what the military intelligence is trailing for a couple of hours now since the invasion drama started. Universal Military Office is tied with UBI and that is what they said when Frank surveyed the guys at Division 1. The staff of UBI called the Schlors as the Red Dog since like a burning fire it colors red when hit by the sun's rays and so long that it looked like a hot dog but has the pilot's wheel or chamber on top of the elongated light flying object. The pilot's or ship's mother boards or systems is then shaped like a hat on top of the ships long body, when Messier 2000 took a photo of Schlors hundreds of miles away from outer space.

 Tina is with Duke Yuri at Axiom. She couldn't help but worry while watching the news on Giga TV 54 and online about Sentinels invasion. Tina was just ten five years old when the Sentinels invaded earth that killed her navy seal dad and took her mom's sanity because of the loss. The enemy we are facing now is deadly and headed to earth and her people is in danger so, she urged the man who is now her official boyfriend to go back there and help them. Yuri knows the danger that Tina is about to delve into that is why he made sure to take with him some of his highly-skilled mercinaries who he called Maestros.