Present is Essential to the Future

But since Eco turned Dunea's thought on sacrificing herself for the world, around though tried to cover for Rome, Ericka's MS, when someone from a Sentinel ship ordered to fire Proton Bombs and DGM16's these power packed rockets have crystal-like particles with immense and intense energy and exploded, destroying everything which are the Sentinels. The explosion can create a black hole that will suck all living and non-living things surrounding it or even a couple of meters from it. Dunea ran to block the bomb and since Xerxian used a handful of proton this made it all worse like if thrown at earth the hole the bomb will create can swallow the planet whole along with the other planets including the sun and the moon or the entire solar system.

 I love you Ericka….and Julieta exploded outside the borders of Earth and inside the infinity loop of Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies. Those who saw the flashing light from the sky thought the loght energy emitted are fireworks but it is in fact Dunea and her Skims in self destruct mode..Ericka yelled, Noooooooo….!!!!! Dunea huhuhuhu!. Just as she was about to detonate, Eco hurried to take the girl out of her user seat and place inside a drone jet and flew away from Julieta. Eco operated Ms-Julieta to the ebst of his ability and stood on the Earth's grid to suck the Sentinels all over space and War Front that when the Proton Bombs wich are the Brahmos and DGM16's, Julieta alogn with the 6,000 or more Sentinels blew up into pieces or melted away, pulverized into ashes.

Dunea is alive and now safe at the clinic of DOGS Flighter Center, Julieta was indeed manipulated by her dad, Eco, and used it and since the Skim can regenerate, Blue Girl's twin Julieta will be okay after all. Eco knew her daughter's plans so he made sure that his daughter won't be reckless so after placing Dunea on a drone private jet with auto-pilot mode. It carried Dunea to Amber Hotel pad and. Since Eco's DNA matches that of Dunea's Julieta it accepted the gene sequence and piloted it without any problems. As the MS exploded Krosko still thought he won but Ericka and her team who fought against the Sentinels, which they later defeated. Those who escaped the bomb explotion left the scene and fled away to save themselves. Ospians felt that DOGS Flighters thought that 5,000 Flighters, Soldiers and Flyers are no match, for 50,000 robots. No, we are enough and was able to annihilate the Sentinels. We are definitely smarter and highly-skilled to be beaten that easily.

Violet knew that Krosko and Senitnels won't harm huerts or ospians anymore. She knows that Xerxian believes peace can still exist and besides, his daughters, Claudia and Ericka are solid proof that huerts and aliens can exist in peace. Xerxian ordered for his men and women soldiers to promote peace instead of war. This is for you my daughters! Though he knew that Ericka is his daughter after all, he is quite amazed how she and her team managed to survive and defeat his sentinels who are ex-convicts and ex-military soldiers of the universe. But salute to the kids who defeated them and he is proud to say that he lost to his daughter and now it's time to step back and let Violet lead the universe the way she wanted it to stay or grow. Whichever way she wants it he will follow for he pledged to her his life that if the DOGS defeat him and his soldiers he will refrain from starting wars or chaos and support Violet until the end. Krosko lost so now he agrees to the supreme leader's commands along with his soldiers in Tres and Omega. Xerxian met with Violet and asked for his sincerest apologies for his Sentinels and brother's impudence starting a war. Priscilla, her Skull Pirates team, Governor Pache with her soldiers, and Duke Yuri sworn their faithful allegiance to Violet and earth's USN.


 Eco was hurt badly and needed to be hospitalized for three months along with his broken bones and injuries. Since a huert, he can't regenerate, so Ava travelled back to earth to attend to him and helped him with Aurea's equipment and science to regenerate and he is healing now as we speak. Dunea was glad and forgave her father for doing a dangerous and death defying act. Absalom also joined the battle against Xerxians but he lost his life for Aurea, for his love for Ava and Dunea. Dating back when Yamamoto was still alive. He was the culprit and the middle man who arranged everything that King Xerxian would have access to Earth's communications and got a hold of their plans beforehand. He also manipulated Aurea's main switch Olympia which is connected to all fleets, ships and homes of their citizens that he can even control solar or data storms. Ava found out through Kimiko who accidentally saw his dad's work on an ipad, who had the urge to put in his mom's birthday as password and opened the gadget.

 There his dad's secret was revealed. He feared that this will come and true enough Yamamoto was sentenced to life time imprisonment though should have been terminated but Kimiko begged Ava to have mercy on his father and his life long service for Aurea. Ava and the board agreed to forgive Yamamoto but sentenced him to work for Aurea for life but inside their science prison laboratory cell. He was the one who initiated Messiah 1.8K fleet twenty years ago which killed several scientists and flighters along with his girlfriend, Kimiko's mother. But since Yamamoto already passed Kimiko now was the second human that survived the tragedy along with Yamamoto. But Yamamoto already died right, yet his evil desire to control the universe still got the best of him, that even if he was already dead, his dark shadow and past still lingered and haunted the ones he loves but it's all over when DOGS Flighters defeated Xerxians, Sentinels and the evil that Yamamoto created to destroy the world and the universe.

Before Absalom's death he recalled his lovely wife's words and thought of how beautiful his planet is. He loves Aurea so much as its queen… Huh! I think this is the end for me! My beautiful Aurea, Rosetta, Ava, Dunea, I will see you in Devas!. The General King and his last words before his ship Exellion exploded crashing to more than five thousand Sentinels who suddenly went out of a wormhole near Earth'r grid. Ava, Kimiko and Izume with twins Kimi and Izu paid their respects to their king, father and general. Absalom's death was commemorated by giving Rosetta showers on their great king and leader's ashes. Ava came back to Aurea after healing Eco then went back to Earth again to check on Dunea after Absalom's cremation. Ava returned to Aurea to sort things out with her people and her loss since her love Absalom is now gone.