You are my Obsession

Kimiko and Izumi are now General and Princess General of Aurea so they manage the economic and government side of the kingdom. Ava is the Queen Head of Aurea that when Dunea comes home she will step down and give the throne to her since it's about time that she does this for her people. Ava thought she can sort things out to her husband Absalom but when he died it was the most painful for her to think that she will return to her home without her best friend and love Abbie. Ava knew he knows that her true love is Eco and he accepted that he will share the throne with Ava as his best friend someday but this will never happen now. Dunea love Absalom as a dad and will always be like that forever. King Xerxian was defeated and fled away from infinity loop and no one knows where he went or if he is still alive.

Dunea and Ericka got together again and had a daughter named Rosetta. It was nineteen years ago before Dunea decided to go back to Aurea to help her mother rule it.

During those times Science is so advanced that Rosie was born safely and amazingly inside Ericka's womb. Aurea has facilities where a woman can get pregnant without a man, just by mere implanting his sperm to meet with the egg of the mother inside the womb, the machine can already grow a baby. Rosie was inside Ericka's womb but safely monitored by the facility and born without Ericka feeling pain or labor. Though Ericka wanted to feel labor pains it wasn't advisable since she experiences too much bleeding. Dunea urged Ericka to live with her on Aurea but Ericka wanted Rosie to live on earth. Ericka decided to travel back to Milky Way and live on Earth with Rosie through Star Ship. Dunea promised Ericka that she will come back for them since now Ava needs her after losing their king, her dad Absalom. Ericka will wait on earth for Dunea until she finishes her work, responsibilities as the Commanding Chief of the Icy planet. Dunea claimed her seat at the Council since her mother needed to retire along with the commanding fleets.

Dunea is about thirty years old in Aurean time but thousands of old on Earth time. Kimiko married and had children with Princess Izumi since meeting her at the Universe Expo Trade Drive in one of the Home Cruises named Belvedere, one summer three years ago.

Twenty years has passed, Dunea decided to return to Earth. Though in Aurea, twenty years is just a year, Dunea met with Rosetta not knowing that the girl is her daughter who is now nineteen years old. Since Ericka's blood is mixed with Dunea's, she lives on and gradually ages even thousands of years has passed. 

Rosie is in fact half-human (huert) and half-ospian (alien) why she doesn't age fast. Dunea needed to return to Earth and there in a university which she stood as consultant for space research and exploration course, thus, found her self admiring a young professor named Rosetta or Rosie.

Dunea almost fell for Rosetta since she is the exact replica of Ericka when she met her love at the academy 20 years ago. Dunea almost fainted knowing that Rosie is her offspring and that since war happened that she needed to leave Earth to protect it and lead Aurea to help Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies from Xerxians and Omega planet, she needed to choose and make some sacrifices.

Ericka was seated at the rooftop garden of her home near DOGS academy. Dunea appeared invisible at Ericka's back. The woman, who smelled something sweet and refreshing, already knew that it was Dunea and smiled, tears fell from her eyes. "The smell of Rosetta (Icy Rose) is all over you and I can still smell it so vivid when I was there twenty years ago, as if memories of you and me came back automatically. Welcome home honey!"

 I miss you so much, baby!, Dunea cried and stood visible in front of her love.

 Dunea hugged Ericka, and both kissed passionately. It's been 20 years and as if time has stopped for Dunea. She is the same as when she flew on earth 4,000 years ago. Ericka is already 37 years old. She just stayed in Aurea for a year but the time lapse is incredible that as if it stopped her aging process only for a brief moment. On her end Dunea aged slowly as usual for Aureans but with Ericka it's different when she went home. But if she stayed longer in space even up until thousands of years, Ericka would still be twenty when she comes back to earth. Yet since she lived on earth longer than in Aurea her age progressed but somehow the genes that mixed with Dunea's when they had intercourse somehow made Ericka youthful, glowing and her special ability was stronger and now whenever she sees auras, they all emit illuminating and bright vibes that sometimes she needed to use dark glasses to hide her eyes to protect them from rays and bioluminecense. However, Ericka has alien genes that of Xerxian and she will no longer age after 37 years. She doesn't know that but it has been ten years now and both Ericka and Dunea are still in their middle-aged stage. It is indeed magical and they both enjoy their life now more than ever.