
Rosie's name was derived from the Ice Rose that blooms in Aurea. Ice Rose is common there since it only blooms in the cold. Aurea is filled with them and even in the cold they rose, bloom and emits sweet, rancid odor but is lovely since they make ice colorful other than white. Aureans call their flower Rosetta or Ice Rose. Rosie doesn't age but little by little since her DNA is of Aurea. Just like her mother Dunea she is an Aurean though mixed with human DNA, she still ages but gradual and prettier than the Aureans back in Andromeda.

A/N: Some names, places, events, etc. are factual, some fictionary.


Long before Earth was created there were civilizations that stood and loved before us. Since earth continued to evolve, people just born and sprouted then die and reborn again. It became different when aliens and humans mixed their DNA's through sex and procreation, there huerts, ospians, humanoids, AI's, robots, STOICS, Maestros, MS, RS, and highly complex, intelligent and powerful beings came...born, ;iive and multiplied to inherit Earth, other planets in the solar system, Milyky Way, Andromeda, other galaxies and more.


Lil Timmy, Greg, Dina, Prise at D'Caffe. Herman Armac, Violet. Medi, the maid, Vlad, the chauffer. Renaldo Galatea, Rene/Ren. Jax, Menace, Lloyd, DOGS. Dr. Adrian Wallace, Miles /Brian.

Prince of Dubai, Ahkmed Hadukin, South Korean singer/songwriter of FYI, Yogi Imako and American Top Model, Haley (Hayley) Sombers. There are other qualified candidates who are still being picked by the head master Eco Amber of the Digi-One Gamma Slashers (DOGS) Academy

Officers Lloyd, Jasper, Bill Price, Mher, Cecilia, (G-Force), Huerts (Human/Earthians), Ospians (Outer Space Aliens) , Universal Police Guild (UPG)

Aoi Kamichi, Kaori Graham, cousins, regular people that would have a big impact on Project Andromeda and the DOGS, Big Boss, Dan, Heath (assistant to Dan), Lena, project Andromeda, ACOM (acamara orbit of the millennia), GLASS (GaLactic AStronautS). USN (Universal Summit of Nations), CRAWL (Combat RAnger Warrior Lift) (ship for the RoboSkims soldiers/DOGS), Flighter Jet, Captain Mirel In charge of DOGS Flighter Squadrons for Robo Skim/Mobile Skim trainings

BTS/VRS (Bacteria and Virus Facilities) BTs-bacteriums, VCs-Viral Creatures, WET/DRY lands Units

Galaxon Fleet, Queen General Ava and General Absalom, Commander Dunea's parents. Commander Dunea is also a fleet officer to head a Star Fleet Ship, Lofi, to explore stars, rocks, black holes and near universes like Milky Way, and planets inside it. General Absalom is second to the highest commanders of Sufi. Their Head Commanding Officer is Gala Leon who is the oldest but still looking very young leader of the Galaxon, Star and Exodom Fleets. Moons of Sufi (Aurea) Du, Fi, Rin. Star (Anub). Aurea Council Movement (ACM)

Governor Belen Pache (Pak), French Council head, member of UK Universal Guild and USN, falling in love with SL1 Violet

Vice- Leader Cen Adva, assistant: Mida

Captain Red (Priscilla), Dox planet, Skull (Pirates of Fire), mates, Dax, Fei, Seth, Grei, Blade, Carter. Ku Klux