Her first victory

"Your Highness, that's tough to explain," Dylan stated. 

"Why? When you gave out the order to kill them, didn't you think it can turn tougher later?" Magnus mockingly asked.

"Not to mention, because of your craziness, a human turned into a vampire hunter," Izaak remarked, shifting his glance at Rubin. 

"Dylan, a moment ago, your mouth acted sharply. Now, you are so quiet. What's the reason? Don't tell me you now fear the consequences of your actions," Magnus affirmed, feeling a bit glad because Dylan was in his clutches now. 

"I liked Pansy Karlson. We both saw each other for some time and when I asked her to be my mistress, she refused. I ordered my men to kill her since Pansy could be a threat to me. However, a mistake occurred, ending the life of everyone in that house, leaving only Mr. Rubin alive." Dylan answered with such a calm face as if it wasn't a big matter.