Behind closed doors

"I'd like to go for a walk," Alora announced, turning to face Magnus as they stood on the balcony of their room. "It feels like I've been cooped up in this house for months," she lamented, remembering past restrictions on her outings.

"Alright, I'll accompany you," Magnus agreed. "Would you like to freshen up first?" he inquired.

"Do you think I don't look good in this outfit?" Alora queried, seeking his opinion.

"You look lovely. I simply thought you might prefer another gown," Magnus explained.

"This one is comfortable. Moreover, we aren't going far. Just for a walk around the cottage," Alora replied. She hooked her arm around his and walked out of the room. As they descended the stairs, Alora found out the living room was empty unlike the other days. Though she didn't ask about it and went straight out of the house.

"It's wonderful to be under the clear sky, enjoying the gentle breeze," Alora commented, relishing the outdoor atmosphere.