Proud And Bullheaded

As Kimberly walked into the mansion, she remembered the first time she had been here with Melanie six months ago.

[Six Months Earlier]

Melanie had picked her up from the airport the moment she flew into the country, and they had chattered endlessly like long-time friends as the chauffeur drove them home from the airport.

To a casual onlooker, they must have looked like mother and daughter, but their relationship was, in truth, a complicated one.

"It's so good to finally see you again after you and your sister disappeared that way without a word to any of us," Melanie said as she led her into the house while the chauffeur followed with her luggage.

"Well, we didn't exactly have a reason to stay after accomplishing what we came for," Kimberly explained with a shrug.

"Are you sure that was the only reason you disappeared without so much as a goodbye to me? I thought it had something to do with Melvin," Melanie said with a small smile, and Kimberly's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Melvin's name.

Even though she was a bit uncomfortable, she chose not to let it show. "I didn't exactly disappear since you found me, and we have been in contact over the last two years," Kimberly said, not wanting to comment on what she had said about Melvin.

Although Kimberly wanted to ask about Melvin since she had not seen nor spoken to him in the past two and a half years, she chose not to. It was too soon to do that.

"It wasn't exactly easy finding you, though," Melanie said as they stopped in front of one of the bedrooms.

"This is your bedroom. The room over there is mine, and the one next to yours is Melvin's. Although he never stays at home. For reasons best known to him, he prefers to stay at the hotel. I bought a mansion with so many rooms, yet my sons never come home, and I have to live by myself. Don't let me bore you with my complaints. Why don't you go in and freshen up while I get them to set the table for dinner?" Melanie suggested, and Kimberly shook her head.

"Feel free to complain. I wasn't bored. I will join you shortly, and you can complain some more," Kimberly said, and Melanie smiled as she touched her arm.

"I know I've said this already, but I'm really glad that you're here. Thanks for coming. And let me know if you need anything," Melanie said before walking away.

Kimberly joined Melanie at the dining thirty minutes later, and as they ate, Melanie smiled, "It's been a while since I last had anyone over for dinner," she said conversationally.

"Melvin doesn't come around often?" Kimberly asked, trying to sound casual even though she was curious to know what was going on with him.

"He has become a workaholic…."

"Melvin? A workaholic?" Kimberly asked in disbelief since the Melvin she knew preferred to hang out with his friends and flaunt his wealth than work.

Melanie smiled, "Yeah. He has changed a lot. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about it. He comes over once in a while."

"What about the others?" Kimberly asked, referring to Brad and Tae-Joon, Melanie's twin sons.

Melanie smiled sadly, "They come around at least once a year. They're busy," she said, but Kimberly could hear the sadness and loneliness in her voice.

"Oh, Melanie!" Kimberly said as she reached out to squeeze her hand softly.

"Enough about me. What about you? Apart from being busy with your blog, what is going on in your life? Do you have a boyfriend now?" Melanie asked since that was the question she had been wanting to ask the whole time.

"Boyfriend? Nah!" Kimberly said, and when she saw the pleased smile on Melanie's face, she narrowed her eyes

"Why do I have a feeling that you are happy to hear that?"

"That is because I am," Melanie said, and Kimberly raised a brow.

"You are? Why?" Kimberly asked, and Melanie set aside her cutlery.

"I'm sure it's no news to you how much I wanted things to work out between you and Melvin. I believe Melvin liked you, and things would have worked out had he not found out the true reason you approached us," Melanie said, but Kimberly shook her head.

"I'm not so sure about that…."

"I am. Melvin is my son, and I know him better than anyone else. Seeing as you both have remained single this whole time, I can't help but want to set you two up again," Melanie said, and this time, Kimberly set aside her cutlery.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she raised her glass of water to her lips.

"I want you both to get married," Melanie said, causing Kimberly to choke on the water she had just swallowed.

"You what?" Kimberly asked in a strained voice as she coughed while Melanie rose to pat her back.

"You should first calm down," Melanie said softly.

After she had finished coughing and Melanie had returned to her seat, Kimberly looked at her, "You were pulling my legs, right?" She asked, and Melanie smiled.

"No, I wasn't. Although neither of you will admit it, but I know you both really liked each other, and I can't think of any two people who would suit each other better than you both," She said, and Kimberly frowned.

"How can you be so sure about that? We haven't set eyes on each other nor spoken in over two years," She said, and Melanie shrugged.

"That doesn't change the fact that you both would have had something really good going had Melvin not been too proud and bullheaded to forgive you and see things from your perspective. Think about it, if he didn't care about you, would he have been so upset? If you ask me, I think his ego was hurt that you disappeared the way you did without begging him some more," Melanie said with an amused smile.