Yin And Yang

It was true that Kimberly had liked Melvin and would have loved to pursue a real relationship with him. But after their misunderstanding she had thought he would reach out to her after he calmed down, but then days had turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and months to years until it dawned on her that Melvin had no plans of changing his mind.

"Well, none of that matters now. I'm sure he must have had a series of girlfriends…."

"None that I know of," Melanie cut in.

"You do realize that your scandal with him was the last scandal he was involved in, right? And everyone still thinks you're both together…."

"What? Why?" Kimberly asked in confusion.

"We had an agreement, remember? That he helps you gain followers on your blog through the scandal, while you help his public image by being his girlfriend. You are both supposed to be in a committed relationship, and it wouldn't have made sense for the relationship to end just weeks after it started because you disappeared. He is working at the company as the acting CEO right now because of that," Melanie said, and Kimberly frowned.

"What if I had gotten involved with someone else or was married?" She asked, and Melanie smiled.

"I've been in touch with you all this while, remember? If you had done that, I would have known, and we would have released news that the relationship ended. But since you kept saying you were single, I didn't see the need to end the relationship. And that is why I think you both should get married now. Your long-distance relationship has dragged on long enough," Melanie said with a sweet smile that told Kimberly she was enjoying herself.

"What about Melvin? Have you discussed this… this marriage with him?" Kimberly asked, and Melanie shook her head.

"No. I haven't. I wanted to talk to you first," Melanie said, and Kimberly sighed.

"I think you should have spoken with him first. His opinion matters more here," Kimberly said, and Melanie smiled

"Melvin is my son, and I know just how to get him to do what I want. But you, I have to ask. If Melvin was willing, would you marry him?" Melanie asked, looking at her with interest.

Kimberly thought about it for a moment and sighed, "I don't know what to say," she said with a shake of her head.

"Why don't you think about it and let me know?" Melanie asked in a soft voice.

"But why me?" Kimberly asked in confusion.

"Because I know you're good for Melvin. You would be perfect for each other. And I still feel guilty over what happened to your dad. By getting married to Melvin, I hope it will make up for it, too, since you and your sister refused to accept the shares or money I offered," Melanie said honestly.

"It wasn't your fault. You don't have to feel guilty…."

"I know. I know I don't have to blame myself for his death, but I do. So, will you please consider my offer?" She asked, and Kimberly sighed.

"I think it would be best if you discuss it with Melvin first," Kimberly said, and Melanie nodded.

"Alright. If that's what you want. I will do that," Melanie promised.

Kimberly was jolted back to the present by the sound of her ringing tone, and only then did she realize she was now in her bedroom, seated on her bed with her purse on her thighs.

She couldn't believe she had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't realized where she was or even bothered to call Star as she had promised she would.

She sighed as she received Star's call, "Hey!"

"Where are you? I have been waiting for your call all night," Star said the moment the call connected, and Kimberly sighed.

"I'm sorry I have been so preoccupied with my thoughts," Kimberly said, and judging from the sadness in her tone, Star could tell the meeting had not gone well.

"I guess your proposal didn't go as planned. What did he say, or did he not show up at the club?" Star asked with concern.

"He did. And I hate to say that you were right," Kimberly said before recounting all that had happened at the club to Star.

"So, what now?" Star asked, not exactly surprised by Melvin's attitude.

"I really don't know. I'm so confused and tired. We've both been through all possible ways to resolve this, and you know this plan was my only shot. I really don't know what to do now," Kimberly said on the verge of tears, and Star sighed.

"Let's not give up yet. You still have a week to convince him to move in with you before the one-month period stipulated in the Will is over. Even if he doesn't agree to the marriage deal, which I agree with him was preposterous, I don't think he would want to lose his mother's mansion simply because he doesn't want to share it with you," Star said, and Kimberly sighed.

"Let's hope you are right," Kimberly said before hanging up the call.

As she took off her earrings and placed them in her jewelry box, her eyes fell on a Jade Yin ring in the box, and she picked it up.

She had gotten it from a trinket shop six months ago during her visit to Melanie. It had been a pair, but she had lost one of them before she left.

The lady in the shop had said both rings were a pair. Yin and Yang. The Yin, which she was holding, was feminine, and the Yang, which she had lost, was masculine. The lady had said the ring had the ability to grant her deepest desires.

Even though she never believed in such things, she had somehow been convinced into buying it. So, now, more than ever before, she wanted it to be true. Kimberly prayed as she slipped it on her little finger.