Dressing Up

"I feel weird," Kimberly said after Melvin had finished dressing her up.

"You would be weird if you didn't feel weird," Melvin said as he stood back to admire himself.

So this was what he looked like through the eyes of other people? What an astonishing handsome guy he was, Melvin mused.

"Why are you staring at me with so much admiration in your eyes?" Kimberly asked and Melvin raised a brow.

"I'm staring at myself, not you. I look good. Let's go to your room now," Melvin said and as Kimberly headed for the door, Melvin shook his head and stopped her immediately.

"You can't walk that way. Your posture and gait are all wrong," Melvin said with a frown.

"Why don't you get dressed first and then we can talk about that and work on what needs to be worked on?" Kimberly asked and Melvin sighed.

"Let's do that," he said, praying that no one would see her cat walking in his body.