Missing Trinket Shop

"Do I need to tell you that you shouldn't order me around that way?" Kimberly asked Melvin once they were alone and were headed for the car.

"I don't eat breakfast. And even if I did, I can't understand how you would find the appetite to eat in this situation! Your ring is most likely the reason we are in this mess and yet you seem so unbothered!" Melvin said angrily.

"I'm not you, Melvin. I eat breakfast, and I won't starve myself simply because I'm in your body. And just so you know, talking to me the way you just did in front of others doesn't affect me in any way, I hope you realize that? I can tolerate whatever you say or do to me now since it would be more like you doing it to yourself. I am you now, remember? As far as anyone can see, I'm the one ordering you around not the other way around. So, keep it up. Now hand me the car keys, unless you would rather they see your fiancée who bosses you around, driving you around too," Kimberly said sweetly.