Engagement Ring

After they had finished moving Kimberly's stuff into Melvin's bedroom and had organized the room to suit both their belongings, Kimberly turned to Melvin with a thoughtful expression.

"Don't you think you need an engagement ring? Why would Melvin Craig engage his beloved fiancée without a ring? Wouldn't Mr. Investor look out for it?" she asked, causing him to look at his finger.

"I'm still traumatized by the last ring I wore," Melvin said and Kimberly resisted the urge to giggle.

"I understand. However, you need to get one if we are going to make this whole thing believable. And we will have to come up with a good engagement story. We don't know who might ask us," Kimberly said and even though Melvin wanted to comment on how she seemed to be thinking her scam through, he decided not to, since he didn't want to argue with her.

"We can order one," he replied and Kimberly shook her head.