What Happened To You?

Melvin said nothing as they walked out of the jewelry shop since he didn't want them to argue or fight in public.

"Why did you seem so happy to get the ring? Do you plan to sell it after our deal is off?" Melvin asked when they got into the car.

"No. I'd rather give it to my boyfriend to engage me with it," Kimberly said and stuck her tongue in her cheek when Melvin looked like he was about to explode.

"You have a boyfriend? You have a boyfriend and you came here asking me to marry you? How shameless can you be? You can't give him my ring!" Melvin said and this time she giggled.

"I don't have a boyfriend. You are the last person I dated. But after this is over, I will get one. And I don't mind keeping the ring unless you'd rather use it to propose to whoever you might want to get married to after me," Kimberly said while Melvin mulled over what she had just said about him being her last boyfriend.