You Are The Man

After Melvin and Kimberly were done with dinner, they went upstairs to Melvin's bedroom.

"Gosh! I feel so full. It's so good to eat what I want without fear of getting fat right now," Kimberly said with a grin as she patted her abdomen happily.

"And I hope you realize that you're going to have to work it out? I work out daily. And you are going to have to start working out tomorrow if we don't swap back by morning," Melvin said and she sighed.

"I hope we swap back by morning then. What do we do about showering? We haven't showered all day. Should we just wait until morning and do so if things go back to normal, or should we shower now?" Kimberly asked and they both stared at each other awkwardly.

"I can't go to bed this way. Besides, I need to get out of this stuffy bra," Melvin said as he took off the engagement ring and placed it on top of the dressing table.