Down Memory Lane (2)

Melanie was surprised she could find it in her to laugh on a day like this. She was usually very moody at this time of the year every year since the death of her first husband and boys, but Kimberly made her laugh effortlessly.

"About that... I agree with her. I think this scandal might go a long way in helping you and your reputation, the same way it will help her blog," Melanie said, surprising Melvin.

"What are you talking about?" He asked his mother, not sure he had heard her correctly the first time. 

"You heard me. Your reputation..."

"There is nothing wrong with either me or my reputation. And even if there was, I don't think I need someone that looks like her to help me do anything about it," Melvin said, looking pointedly at Kimberly's clothes. 

"Pardon his poor manners. I didn't raise him well," Melanie said, giving Kimberly an apologetic smile.