Down Memory Lane (3)

Kimberly couldn't help wondering what Melanie must have said to Melvin to make him change his mind.

"I should probably see his mother and let her know the development before I leave," Kimberly told the secretary before returning to Melanie's office.

Melanie was already on her way out when Kimberly opened the door. "Did Melvin say anything to you?" Melanie asked with a kind smile.

Kimberly flashed the card in front of Melanie, "He wants me to 'clean up' before seeing him." 

"I guess that is fair. I will have my personal stylist contact you. I'm sure he will do a good job bringing out your natural beauty," Melanie said as she opened the door and stepped out of the office, with Kimberly following behind her. 

Just as Melanie was about to get into the car which the chauffeur had parked in front of the company's building, she turned around when she caught a reflection of Kimberly, who was still standing behind her.