Down Memory Lane (4)

Melvin took off his sunglasses and baseball hat and left them in his car before going back into the restaurant to join her.

"Hi!" He greeted feeling very awkward as he took the seat opposite her. 

"Here is your card. Thanks," Kimberly said with an unexpected dimpled smile as she pushed it towards him and signaled to the waiter. 

After giving the waiter their orders, Melvin cleared his throat to get her attention, "You look very di..."

"Beautiful, you mean? Yeah, I made good use of your money in CLEANING UP as you requested," She cut in, batting her lashes at him as she tucked her hair behind her ear. 

Melvin didn't need anyone to explain what she was doing. He had been with ladies enough to know that this one was flirting with him. The only thing he couldn't understand was how or why she had gone from a naive urchin to a beautiful temptress.

"Yeah, very beautiful," Melvin said with a nod.