We Are Not In Love

Melvin had thought that would be the last he would see of her, but his mother had succeeded in forcing them together even after her death.

He was sure that Kimberly would never have appeared before him again had it not been for his mother's Will.

The more he thought about it, the more angrier he became. He just wished there was a way he could swap back that instant so that he wouldn't have to always need or be around her.

Feeling frustrated and mad, he turned away from Kimberly's sleeping form as he tried to get off the bed as quietly as he could so that he wouldn't wake her up, but before he could get off, Kimberly stirred and opened her eyes.

"Hey, you're awake. Good morning," Kimberly said, and Melvin got off the bed.

"Good morning. Let's go work out the junk you ate last night," he said and walked over to his side of the closet to pick out clothes for her.

"Are you okay?" Kimberly asked, noticing that he seemed angry.