What Changed?

Stefan opened his eyes, and at first, he was confused as to where he was, but he didn't stay confused for long.

He sat up on the couch immediately it hit him that he was in his parent's home and was sharing his bedroom with Ruby.

He glanced at the bed and saw Ruby still sleeping soundly on the bed. The blanket she had used to cover herself was now partially on the floor, leaving her thighs exposed, and the oversized sweater she was wearing had also rode up her thighs, giving him a glimpse of her white underwear.

Stefan turned away from her immediately and rose from the couch. As he stretched, his body felt stiff and sore from squeezing himself to fit the couch.

Memories of his conversation with his mother, which he had left locked up in a corner of his mind, tried to sneak up on him, but he blocked them immediately.