Very Funny

Surprisingly, despite how exhausted Kimberly had been the day before, she was the first to wake up before Melvin that morning.

Kimberly opened her eyes, and when she felt her hands wrapped around Melvin, still in her body, a smile split her face.

Although she wanted to remove her hands and adjust back to her side of the bed, she chose not to. It felt really nice, cuddling herself.

Instead of pulling away, she focused her attention on Melvin's face as she admired her own beauty since they were facing each other.

So, this was what she looked like when she was asleep. Would Melvin find her this beautiful if he were the one staring at her this way? Kimberly mused.

While she was busy admiring how beautiful she looked in her sleep, Melvin, who had just come awake and was feeling Kimberly's hand on his waist, opened his eyes and was a bit startled to find Kimberly staring at him with a smile on her face.