
Although Ruby had told herself that she wasn't going to dwell on it, yet the weight of her newfound realization settled heavily on her chest as she went about her duties all through the day.

Her thoughts kept shifting between her newly discovered feelings for Stefan and the anxiety she felt with each passing moment that her blackmailer was yet to be caught.

What was she going to do? Ruby mused as she paced around her office while she waited for Stefan to come pick her up since she was done with her paperworks for the day.

As the clock struck five, a text notification chimed on her phone. It was from McStef, naturally. [Ready for our dinner date, beautiful?]

Beautiful. The word sent a shiver down her spine even though she knew Stefan wasn't seriously calling her that. A playful response danced on her fingertips, but she hesitated.

Taking a deep breath, she typed a response, [Don't keep me waiting, else I might take a cab.]