Wedding Planning

After Kimberly had freshened up, her and Melvin made their way downstairs, the comfortable silence between them a stark contrast to their earlier playful tension.

As they rounded the corner, they came face to face with Star, who was humming cheerfully as she straightened a decorative vase in the hallway.

"There you two are!" Star exclaimed, her voice warm as her eyes darted between them, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Hello, Star. How was your shopping trip? Did you find anything nice?" Kimberly asked as though she didn't know just how much Star had spent.

Star beamed a smile, "It went well. We got a few things."

"A few things?" Kimberly asked with a snort, "The alerts I received didn't seem like they were so few," she said and Star smiled.

"You should blame your fiancee for that not me. And thanks for the card. We got some pretty good stuff – you'll have to see them later!" Star said excitedly, and Kimberly glanced at Melvin.