Irresponsible Friends

Unlike the previous day that Melvin spent all day with Star shopping, on Wednesday, Star permitted Melvin to go to the office with Kimberly since she was going to be busy all day reading through documents for a case and she didn't want to keep the lovebirds apart.

The day went smoothly for them all and after Kimberly and Melvin got back from the office, they reminded Star about their hang out at the club later that evening and asked her to get ready.

As they got ready to leave, Kimberly, clad in a pair of ripped jeans and a band t-shirt Melvin usually favored, stood in front of Melvin as she carefully applied makeup on his face as she always did while Melvin sat very still, scared that the mascara brush might get into his eyes if he moved.

After she was done with the makeup and was combing his hair, Kimberly took a deep breath and Melvin raised a brow as he looked at her through the mirror.