What Is On The Internet?

While Kimberly was at the office, and Star was busy on her laptop reviewing a case file, Melvin lay on his bed seeing a movie on Kimberly's phone, since he was bored and missing Kimberly.

Despite the fact that he was seeing a movie, Melvin couldn't bring himself to focus on it. He wished Kimberly was there. He enjoyed seeing movies with her more than he did alone.

Dropping the phone on the bed, Melvin walked out of the bedroom and wandered aimlessly around the house, the silence deafening even though they had domestic staff attending to various chores.

Boredom gnawed at Melvin, and when he couldn't bear it anymore, he decided to call her to see if she was very busy or if she could talk to him.

Once he walked in to the bedroom he p of cked up the phone and dialed her. Although it didn't take seconds before she received the call, but to him it felt like hours.