Storage Room

The office building felt suffocating to Stefan as he barged through the automatic glass doors, his heart hammering frantically against his ribs.

Each passing second stretched into an eternity and a knot of dread tightened in his gut with every step as he stormed towards Ruby's office even though he knew she wasn't inside as Donna had said.

Donna didn't stop him as he walked past her into the office, and the first thing he noticed was her phone and handbag on the desk.

Stefan stood there for a second before calling to Donna and she quickly went in to meet him.

"Tell me again all that happened. This time I want details. Step by step of everything that happened from the moment she walked to the time she ran out," Stefan said, and Donna nodded.

Stefan did his best to hold himself back from pacing impatiently as he listened to Donna recount everything to him.