Indoor Movie Date

After Melvin and Kimberly got home, Kimberly went in to freshen up, leaving Melvin to chat Nathan up as discussed.

Melvin sighed as he picked up his phone. Kimberly had suggested he begin with an apology, so without wasting too much time thinking about it, he opened his WhatsApp chat with Nathan and typed.

[Hey, man. Did you get home safe? I'm sorry about earlier.] Melvin sent the message, and although he wanted to continue, but when he saw that Melvin was online and the message had sent, he decided to wait to get a response first.

Back in his apartment, Nathan who had been busy playing a game of The Ghost of Tsushima, glanced at his phone when it buzzed, indicating that he had a message.

He picked it up, and when he saw it was a text from Melvin, he scowled and wanted to drop the phone, but paused when he remembered what his CrazyassPsycho had advised.

Reluctantly he responded, [Cool.]