Spilling It

Kimberly and Melvin went to their room to freshen up as well since they were now certain she was fine.

"Do you think they'll ever get along?" Melvin asked once they got into their room and Kimberly shrugged.

"I'm hoping they will at the end of the trip. That is why I'm trying to keep pairing them up," Kimberly said and Melvin shook his head.

"I suggest you let them be if we want to enjoy this trip...."

"Whether we let them be or not, they'll still fight at the slightest provocation so it's best we try to help them," Kimberly said and Melvin sighed.

"Whatever," he said as he went in to freshen up so that Kimberly could do the same.

By the time they stepped out for lunch, Stefan and Ruby were already seated at the table but neither Star nor Nathan was at the table.

"Where are they?" Kimberly asked as she took her seat.