Old News

Ruby and Stefan exchanged a glance as Nathan walked away and before either of them could speak, Melvin did.

"I know it's a lot to take in. I understand if you're mad at me and if you need time to process this like Nathan. I'm sorry for keeping it away from you and I'd like if you all put yourself in my shoes while thinking about this," Melvin said calmly.

Stefan and Ruby exchanged a look once again and then gave him a nod before walking away to their room, leaving Star, Kimberly and Melvin.

Kimberly turned to Star and winced when Star shot her a glare.

"I know I shouldn't have kept this away but..."

"But Melvin asked you to," Star cut in and Melvin nodded.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Star. You're right. Kimberly had always wanted us to tell you about it but I stopped her. Can you forgive us? Please?" Melvin said and Star looked at them for a second.