Crazy Star

In the evening, Kimberly knocked lightly on Star's bedroom door before entering.

She smiled when she saw Star standing in front of the mirror, putting on her earrings.

"Someone looks ready to dazzle Nathan," Kimberly teased.

Star rolled her eyes, "How do I look?"

"I just told you how you look. Ready to dazzle Nathan," Kimberly said with a grin and Star laughed softly.

"Seriously, Kim. You haven't even looked yet," Star said, and Kimberly took a moment to appreciate her appearance.

Star had gone for a simple look by wearing a black turtle neck top tucked into a boyfriend jean trouser and black sandals.

"You look stunning, sis," Kimberly replied, walking closer to Star, "Nathan is going to be absolutely blown away. And there will be no piece of him left," she said with a grin and they both giggled.

"Maybe I should change my clothes. I don't want him to be absolutely blown away," Star said and Kimberly rolled her eyes.