Wedding Day

"Kim, your phone is ringing," Star called out to Kimberly who was in the shower.

"Who is it?" Kimberly called back, and Ruby who was closest to the nightstand where Kimberly's phone was, picked it up.

"It's your soon-to-be husband," Ruby said, standing up and taking the phone to the bathroom.

The door opened and Kimberly walked out, covered in a bathing robe and a towel on her wet hair.

"Thanks," she said to Ruby as she took the phone from her, and then received the call.

"Good morning, handsome," she greeted sweetly.

"Good morning, my love," Melvin's voice came through the line, warm and tender. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't oversleeping on the morning of our wedding."

Kimberly laughed softly, her heart swelling with affection. "You know me too well. But don't worry, I'm up. There is no way I could oversleep with Star and Ruby here with me," Kimberly said and Star nodded in agreement.