paramilitary organizations

As the key players in Europe rolled their eyes at the emperor, a woman looked at them wistfully.

"Tsk. Tsk. I can't believe they're watching their bosses get their heads blown off one by one..."

A towering height of 180 centimeters.

A voluptuous chest and proportionally thick muscles.

A dull bear of a woman, like Mother Russia, whose name was Paul von Hindenburg.

Already with the rank of Generalmajor, having been promoted by storm thanks to the countless missing black iron crosses on the General's staff, she was truly disgusted at this moment.

The sight of the Junkers rubbing their hands together so hard that their hands were on fire, and the Emperor hadn't even shown up yet.

"The Junkers, descendants of the Teutonic Knights who led the eastern movement, have pride... He rubs his hands together and flatters himself.... Disgraceful."


"What is it, Count? Is something wrong?"

"For God's sake, shut up."


"Don't you realize that saying something like that at a time like this will bring down not only you but all of our factions?"



Hindenburg is stubborn, as you would expect from the conservative Junker family.

However, there was one woman who silenced her by making her tongue feel cold.

With a height of 170 centimeters and a dwarf's stature, she exuded a nobility that reminded me more of a French aristocrat than a soldier.

Her name was Count Alfred Graf von Schlieffen, and her heart was filled with peace and romance, not war.

He is a military strategist and soldier who has made a name for himself in the history of the German Reich.

"Paul von Hindenburg. I have said before that the rice eaten as a staple food in Asia bends its head as it ripens."


"I don't normally expect humility from you, given your personality, but I want you to play fair. Do us as little harm as possible."

"But doesn't the wheat we Teutons eat every day raise its head as it ripens?"

"Shut up."


"If I say it does, it does, and I don't know where you get the idea that it's lower in rank than me."


The Reich, a caste system.

A German Reich that was as strictly hierarchical as it was militaristic.

There, Hindenburg, a man of rank, dared to speak back to Count Schlieffen.

Hindenburg's pride was wounded, and as she hung her head in shame, two women watching from the sidelines caught her off guard.

"Listen to the Count. Sister."

"What if the Kaiser, who could appear at any moment, hears my sister's complaints and turns his cleansing blade on us?"

"That's right. That's right. He'll be the first one out of the gate, in a murderous mood!"

"Die. Die... What? Are we going to die?"

"Uh. We'll all be fired upon if you speak without knowing the subject."

"Firing squad.... Bullets hurt."

"That's because if you have thick muscles like my sister, it doesn't hurt to be shot, but it's different for frail people like us."

The woman who beats Hindenburg's heart, a flowery 41-year-old virgin, is named Hermann von Kuhl, 36.

Her husband is Erich Ludendorff, 23.

The two men, almost a decade apart in age, never stopped talking.

Their chatter was so loud that even the Junkers from the other factions next to them could only stare at them blankly.

...Aren't they?

Are they staring at her because she's beautiful?

"Oh no. My sister... Is she crying?"

"Hehe.... My sister has so many tears."

"She has as much pride as tears."

"She is so stubborn."

"Do you think she'll get married like that?"

"Kkkkk. I mean."

"Sis, if you get divorced because of your stubbornness, we'll save you a husband."

"Huh? Why should I share him with you? I'll have it all to myself."

"Oh no. There's nothing you can't tell her. Why should you get everything?"

"Because I'm younger?"


Erich Ludendorff's words cut Hermann von Kuhl off at the knees.

After all....

Are you saying that you can't beat the age difference, no matter what?



"...I have these bitches as my disciples, so.... I want to die of shame."


The two women became silent in an instant.

Looking at them, Count Schlieffen grabbed his head and blushed with shame, while Hindenburg, who had barely escaped their spell, breathed a sigh of relief.



The four women blushed so pathetically at each other, but no one in the ballroom could ignore them.

For not only have all four survived this purge, but they are part of a single organization and connected to each other.

Oberste Generalstab, Count Alfred von Schlieffen.

Generalmajor, Paul von Hindenburg.

Oberstleutnant, Hermann von Kuhl.

Hauptmann, Erich Ludendorff.

The blade of this purge literally tore apart the five highest-ranking Junkers and the social organization they had created.

The group of four women became the best private organization in the army, hence the rise of the Grand General Staff, which formulated, supplemented, and carried out the Schlieffen Plan.


As the four women who had risen to new heights of power within the military were enjoying themselves, a door that had seemed closed forever finally opened and two men and a woman entered.




"...Bursting in like this?"

The man on the arm of the Empress, who had a red kiss mark on her neck, was named Wilhelm II.

The Junkers fell to their knees at the arrival of a man who had purged the military, taken the reins of the Reich, and seized the reins of intelligence and police.

They proved their loyalty to the rightful ruler of the German Reich.

Today, as the Black Crosses are being beheaded, the only ones who can hold their heads high in the murderous atmosphere are the high-ranking diplomats of the Eight Great Powers.

"His Majesty Wilhelm II, the rightful ruler of the German Empire and leader of the Aryan people."

"I recognize the rightful leader of the German Reich."

"I recognize the rightful leader of the German Reich."

"I acknowledge the rightful leader of the German Reich."

"I acknowledge the rightful leader of the German Reich."






"Raise your heads, sons and daughters of the German Reich and the Aryan people."

"I accept the imperial honor."

Said Bismarck, the Chancellor of the German Reich, who was at the head of the line.

At the same time, all rose to their knees.

However, when they held their heads up, their expressions changed strangely.

Especially the diplomats of the Eight Great Powers-the British Empire, the Qing Dynasty, the United States of America, the French Republic, the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the United States of America-stiffened.

The emperor's values and view of the country, as they had been understood before the coronation, were completely reversed.

'Aryans? What kind of people are they?'

The Qing diplomat who had been turned into a half-wit by Nan of Heaven scratched his head.

For the Qing Dynasty, which was about to return to the era of the Five Great Powers, the situation in Europe was not even on their radar.

'The same cripple who was crying for the unification of the Germanic peoples and the Great German Empire and threatening our Austro-Hungarian Empire is suddenly spitting out the word Aryan?'

There was bad blood between the Habsburgs and the Hohenzollerns because of the marriage of Rudolf Franz Karl Joseph.

The diplomat of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, whose relations with the Hohenzollerns were particularly strained by the Greater German Solution, had a difficult time.

The word "Aryan" appeared in his mouth instead of "Germanic.

'Fuck it. What the fuck are you budget-busting Bureau of Public Safety and Order bastards doing, if you have information like this, you're supposed to pass it on!!!'

Instead of the shitty British Empire playing The Great Game, the German Empire, thanks to Bismarck, is friendly with the pro-Russian Russian Empire.

But as soon as a word they didn't recognize came out of the Emperor's mouth, the Russian Empire diplomat's brow furrowed.


are friendly, right?