paramilitary organizations

Diplomats from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Qing Empire, and the Russian Empire, who were obviously on bad terms with Germany, scratched their heads.

'Hmmm.... Does this mean that the German Empire, the same one that destroyed our French Republic, will massively increase its armaments in the name of the Aryan race? Damn it! How much do we have to increase our defense spending if this is the case, and we're already struggling with the economy...'

The French Republic is a dizzying mess of political factions, as befits a country founded on the head of a king.

French diplomats, who change from time to time depending on the party in power, are even more shocked when they feel like they are losing all their hair because of the foreign policy of the powers.

Political chaos, economic chaos....

And on top of that, the German Empire, the enemy of the French Republic, is running amok?



'The German Empire is about a third the size of our own British Empire, so there is no problem at the moment. The problem is the explosive growth of the Teutons. At the rate of economic and population growth we're experiencing, we're going to catch up. What's the motivation behind suddenly bringing up the Aryan race?'

The British Empire expected a warship race as soon as the Kaiser, a barbarian and a weakling, came to power.

The Kaiser himself was a Boatfucker, and the German people themselves wanted hegemony.

It's hard to imagine him suddenly changing course under such circumstances....

Ugh! My head hurts!


'Fucking German Reich! Fucking German Reich! Fucking German Reich! Fucking German Reich! Fucking German Reich! Fucking German Reich! Fucking German Reich! Fucking German Reich! We must exterminate every Germanic bastard who ever fucked the United States of America!'

The German Empire was at odds with the French Empire on its borders and with Great Britain, with whom it was expected to compete for supremacy.

But there was one power that was at odds with all of them: the United States of America, which was divided in half by the German Empire.


Why did the United States of America, the strongest country in the world, lose half its land?


'Ah.... We love you, German Empire, we love you, German Empire, we love you, German Empire, we love you, German Empire, we love you, German Empire, we love you, German Empire, you made us independent! We will always follow you.'

It's because of the Confederate States of America.

The Confederate States of America won its independence in the Civil War with the full support of the British Empire, the French Empire, and the Kingdom of Prussia.

They are extremely pro-German, so much so that the British once protested, "Isn't the Confederate States of America a German Reich?"

Why should it be?

Because the United States, having effectively lost the Civil War, kicked out all the Germanic peoples with the Washington Proclamation.

The French live in Quebec, and they can't kick out their own Anglo-Saxons, so they kicked out all the Germanic peoples.

Where did the Germanic peoples go?

They all went to the Confederate States of America, and in no time at all, the Confederate States of America was filled with Germanic peoples, and they became the dominant ethnic group.

Between 1840 and 1860, ethnic Germans made up 32.2% of European immigrants, so it's not surprising that in an age of nationalism they would be pro-German.


The banquet is a process of power-sharing for those who survived the purges.

It is also an opportunity to see how the great German Empire will be improved during my decades-long reign.

And so I declare it boldly.

I declare unequivocally that our German Empire is a great nation that will unite not only the Germanic peoples, but the entire Aryan race.

"I and the German Reich have a dream. It is a dream that the day will come when the truth that one is born into the great Aryan race will be accepted as a self-evident fact to which all the peoples of the world will look up."


"I and the German Reich have a dream. It is a dream that one day the Aryan people, originating from the Indian subcontinent, will rule the world."


"I and the German Reich have a dream. No matter where we, the Aryan people, go in the world....people will not be judged by their abilities, their color, or their personality, but only by the fact that they are Aryan."


"The year is 1888. The end of the romantic 19th century is slowly approaching, and the German Empire has entered an era of integration and prosperity. From now on, our great and glorious German Reich will begin. The True Unification of the Aryan Peoples!!!!"

As soon as my speech was over, there was an emotional cheer and countless rounds of applause.

No, I thought it was an echo.










What is it?

Why is everyone so quiet?

I hurriedly shook my head from side to side, looking for expressions on their faces.

The Junkers looked at me as if to say, "Crazy asshole. I knew you would cause an accident. The Junkers looked at me blankly, as if to say, "You're crazy.

The Imperials looked at me like I was crazy, too.

The great diplomats of the Eight Powers had their faces set so hard that you could almost see the world coming to an end, and their eyeballs were bobbing madly.

Only the fanatics of the United States of America seemed to have accepted my revelation, their faces filled with joy.

And Bismarck's expression was equally stony.

I turned to her with the shape of my mouth and said.

'Why are you so upset, smile.'

'Hmm... I don't think I can smile.'


Bismarck grinned at my question.

Then he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"You just destroyed a diplomatic relationship I spent a lifetime building with a single speech, you lame-ass!!!"






Did I screw up?

I realized something that day.

I have absolutely no talent for diplomacy.


Once the crazy speeches about claiming territory in Europe, the Middle East, northern India, and even Siberia were over, the banquet began in earnest.




Even though the German Empire's diplomatic relations with the rest of the world, except for the United States, were in tatters, and Chancellor Bismarck dared to curse the Kaiser in public, you can't have a party without eating and drinking.

"Kaiser! You're holding a flower in each hand.... Truly, you are the absolute center of the German Empire, and as a woman, I am truly jealous."

"Heh. It is true, my wife and my chancellor are as beautiful as flowers.

Alfred de Courcel, diplomatic ambassador of the French Republic to Germany.

A hardline German conqueror under Bonapartiste, she was a diplomat with a lot of facial expressions.

Of course I couldn't help laughing at the flattery of the French beauty.

I have a pouting Victoria in my right arm and a depressed Bismarck in my left, but isn't a beautiful flower a flower?

"Isn't it? Victoria or Bismarck?"

"Not me," Victoria said, "walking around the ballroom on another woman's arm.... I'm pouting."

"...Me neither. Damn diplomatic relations, and now you're getting drunk?! If I were you, I'd try to clean this up- ugh."

I hastily shoved a piece of bread into Bismarck's mouth, whose eyes rolled back in his head as soon as I spoke.

She immediately became quiet as she choked on the bread.

Hmph~ The way she eats bread is very cute....

-Well, well, well

-Well, well, well

As I gawked at the sight of Bismarck squirming and eating bread like a squirrel, and as our Victoria gawked at the sight of me and Bismarck, this crazy love triangle made Alfred de Laurent, the German Ambassador to France, sweat.

And then.

As soon as Alfred de Laurent saw the baguette in Bismarck's mouth, he unfolded his fan and covered his mouth.

...The sound of she laughter was asshole.

"Ho ho ho! Emperor. Isn't that bread a baguette?"

"It is. Ah! Come to think of it, you've been in Germany a long time, so it's been a while since you've had a baguette. Eat up."

"...That's okay."


"Because I don't think they taste very good, and besides, I'm allergic to baguettes unless they're made by the French."


"Besides, it's quite extraordinary of you to put a baguette, the pride of our French Republic, on the table of the banquet hall of the German Empire."

"Of course I put the baguette on the table. Being a specialty of the French Republic, our lost former territory, means that it is also a specialty of the Aryan people, doesn't it?"
