the Brazilian Empire

November 15th.

6:00 A.M.

Capital of the Brazilian Empire.

Rio de Janeiro harbor.


"Huh? What's that ship?"

"...What do you mean, it's a ship?!"

"Then what is it?"

"It's a warship! Run away!"

A warship docked in a harbor that is said to be one of the three largest American ports in the world.

An ex-Dreadnought class battleship flying the coat of arms of the House of Hohenzollern, a black eagle, and the flag of the German Empire.

The commoners of Rio de Janeiro were stunned by the arrival of a warship that even the British Empire, with its Atlantic supremacy firmly in place, would have been intimidated by.

But aboard the battleship were a German imperial military advisor and 1,000 volunteer troops.

They didn't have time to wait patiently.

They had all been informed by the National Security Headquarters (RSHA) that the coup forces were in full swing.

"Your Excellency Erich Ludendorff, the RSHA reports that the coup forces have split in three and are advancing on Rio de Janeiro."

Erich Ludendorff, a member of the Großer Generalstab.

At the relatively young age of 24, with the rank of captain, she stares at a map detailing the terrain in and around Rio de Janeiro.

"Three lanes? Why?"

"They have a relative numerical advantage, don't they? With that kind of confidence, they seem intent on capturing Emperor Pedro II and Crown Princess Isabeu before our military advisors and 1,000 volunteer troops can intervene."

"Hmmm. General Deodorou. You have a knack for unexpectedly sharp military maneuvers, even when you look like a fool."

She had memorized information about the coup organization on the battleship while on her way to Brazil.

Then she spotted someone who caught her eye.

Brigadier General Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca.

Fought in the Paraguayan War (1864-1870) as an army captain.

In 1884, she rose to the rank of Marshal and then Commander-in-Chief, a position she saw many similarities to her own.

"But there is one difference between General Deodorou and me."

"What is that?"

"She is the Supreme Commander of a small country, while I serve in the Imperial German Army, the number one army in the world and the only challenger to world hegemony."


"Then let's go, and let her know. the gulf between the pigs of rich South America and the Reichswehr, which reigns supreme in the blood and iron of Central Europe."

"Long live the German Reich! Long live the German Reich!"

"Long live the German Reich! Long live the Reich!"

"Long live the German Reich! Live forever!"

"Long live the German Reich! Live forever!"





A mere military advisor and 1,000 volunteer troops.

But their firepower was too much for anyone but the world's five major powers to ignore.

Even if the Grand Armée was involved.


November 15th.

11:00 A.M.

Outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

The Republicans, who have begun advancing in three directions, open fire on the outskirts of the capital.





"Turn it off!"

"Spare me. But for the royal family, it must be butter!"

At first, the royal troops panicked at the Republican firepower and tried to flee.

But what choice did they have? If their lines were breached, and Emperor Pedro II and Crown Princess Isabeu were expelled from Brazil, they, their families, and their descendants would forever be the livestock and slaves of the landowners and nobles.

"Hold on!"


"Hold on no matter what. Until the German Reich comes!"


The Royalists aren't just holding on because they're stupid.

They have hope.

The Reichswehr, the army of freedom.

But the Republicans have brutally crushed their hopes.

"All armies advance! 0.1 pounds (2024: $300) per man."

"Wow! 0.1 pounds!"

"I'll make sure to pick ten people's branches for a pound!"

"Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Give me the royal family's mogazi!"

"Let me taste the Empress and the Princess!"


Different regimes.

Different desires.

But the people of the same country.

People of the same country shooting at each other, people of the same country stabbing each other in the stomach, people of the same country cursing each other.

General Deodorou, who was watching such a scene through a telescope, stroked her chin and said.

"The Grandes Armes have fewer cannons, perhaps because their wallets are so small, but they're still useful."

"Didn't you say that the Grand Armée's cannons are state-of-the-art? They're the ones used by the elite French soldiers! When will I ever get to use something so good!"

"Hmph. Is that so? Then fire harder!"

"Yes! For freedom and democracy!"

"Yes. For freedom and democracy!"

Yes. Freedom and democracy.

It's never for lesser things like power and wealth that we bleed.

It's for freedom and democracy.

A great democracy that liberates the people from the domination of monarchs, restores their freedom, and returns them to the sphere, where noble citizens are in power.

This is the process of transforming the Brazilian Empire into a republic, in line with the world's paradigm.

"Therefore, no one can stop us. We are simply boarding the great current of history."



But throughout the history of the world, there are some people who defy the flow of history.

We call them heroes or villains.

But one thing is certain: the powerful write the history, he is the justice, he is the hero.

And the German Reich wants to be justice and hero more than anyone else.

Even if the cost is a world war in which hundreds of millions of people die.


"Load and fire!"





"Turn it off! Help me!"

"What the fuck, what kind of fucker says the royal family doesn't have cannons!"

I wonder if this is how the natives felt when they were being slaughtered by the Spaniards?

German artillery, so powerful that even the French Republic would tremble, is sweeping the front lines, annihilating the coupists.

For every one shot fired by the coupists, 1,000 volunteers.

No, 1,000 artillery troops firing 100 shells, overwhelming them with firepower.





The tide of the war has slowly begun to turn.


November 15th.

P.M. 04:00


"Help me!"

"Turn it off! I don't want to die!"

Under the overwhelming firepower of the military advisors and 1,000 volunteer troops, the coupists disappeared like grains of sand.

What could they do if the officer corps, the so-called backbone of the army, was superior?

The 40,000 troops brought in as expendable troops fled trembling from the overwhelming firepower.

"Long live Pedro II! Long live O Magnânimo! Long live the Brazilian Empire!"

"Long live Pedro II! Long live O Magnânimo! Long live the Brazilian Empire!"

"Long live Pedro II! Long live O Magnânimo! Long live the Brazilian Empire!"

"Long live Pedro II! Long live O Magnânimo!! Long live the Brazilian Empire!!".




The royalists, on the other hand, who believed in their country, their royal family, and their posterity, held on for dear life.

In return for their sacrifices as tankers, the German Imperial Army pounded the coupists with artillery, racking up a huge body count.

Within hours, the coupists reached the culminating point of the attack, Breakpoint.

"...General Deodorou. For the time being, we must retreat as a matter of strategy-"

"I know. I know. Damn it! Those damned Germans!"


"Everything would have been perfect, if the buggers hadn't suddenly appeared out of nowhere. ugh!!!"

The coup forces intended to take the capital once and for all.

However, they were unable to capture the Empress Pedro II and the Crown Princess Izabeu as long as the royal army held them back.

They were forced to retreat.

Strategically, of course.


But the coup leadership knew it, the Brazilian royal family knew it, the German Reich knew it, and the world knew it.

That freedom and democracy came a little later in the Brazilian empire.

The world's intellectuals call this day "The Retreat of Democracy.

For the monarchies, of course, it proves the immutability of the system.


November 17th.

The day that, according to its original history, the Casa Imperial Brasileira was deported to the French Republic.

Empress Pedro II and Crown Princess Izabeu make the official announcement.

A new law to foster subsistence farming instead of the Lei de Terras law, which was only for landowners and nobles.

"Make Brazil Great Again!"

"Make Brazil Great Again!"

"Make Brazil great again!"

"Make Brazil great again!"





The tide of history began to accelerate at an even faster pace.