Brazil-Germany Alliance

December 1, 1889.

The Brazilian empire declared the coup forces completely annihilated.

But everyone with any sense knew better.

South America is vast.

The remnants of the coup are still alive and kicking, especially in the undeveloped Amazon.

To make matters worse, the coup's key ringleader, General Deodoru, hasn't even been found.

"If that's the case, where have the coup forces disappeared to?"

"Ever since the strategic retreat, they have disappeared all over the Brazilian empire: officers in the army, generals, coffee farmers in São Paulo state, dairy farmers in Minas Gerais state."


"With all the astronomical gold coins they had sold to the French Republic, Great Britain, the United States, the United States of America, and Argentina."

And that's how the coup's backstory was revealed.

In the original story, they say that when the shit hits the fan, you look for the guy who benefited the most, and he's the culprit.

The French Republic, Great Britain, the United States of America, the United Nations, and Argentina all had a lot to gain from the Brazilian civil war.

Militarily, economically, diplomatically, and hegemonically.

"I did recognize the RSHA, though."

"What's that?"

"The place where the coup forces are holed up."


"You all know where they're headed."






Capital of French Guyana.


"I must. I must go back. For the sake of the German Empire and its 14 million citizens who groan under the weight of her ass."

"For freedom and democracy!!!"

"For freedom and democracy!!!"

"For freedom and democracy!!!"

"For freedom and democracy!!!"







December 24, 1889, near the end of the year.

Christmas Eve.

"It's Christmas Eve, and I can't believe it's the end of the year already."

"How pretty are the lights on the tree? It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

"Do you have a fucking problem with Empress Victoria at Christmas, in a time like this. Voila!"

"...What's this?"

"Rings for Bismarck and the Kaiser."

"Goodbye! I've really appreciated the fact that you've been my friend all these years."

"What's wrong?"

"Do you really not know, the moment you take out the ring, Empress Victoria might send an assassin for you?"


As Europe was reeling from the long holiday season, from Christmas Eve to the end of the year and into the New Year, Berlin, one of the three great centers of the world along with London and St. Petersburg, was abuzz with excitement.



"You made a very good decision in choosing us."

"Hoo-hoo. It was a foregone conclusion when the German Empire sent a military advisor and 1,000 men to serve our Brazilian empire and royal family."


Princess Izabeu, Crown Princess of the Brazilian Empire.

Bismarck smiled bitterly at her thanks as the next in line of succession.

She knew it.

She knew why the Kaiser, that arm-chair idiot, had sent a military advisor and 1,000 men from the German Empire to Brazil, a country with which he had little connection.


October 5th.

Capital of the German Empire.


"What?! The French are coming for the Brazilian empire?!"

"Yep. We're guessing a coup d'état."

"Stop them! Stop them now!"

I yelled, jumping to my feet at Bismarck's words.

Naturally, Bismarck could only scratch his head.

Why this madman, who prioritizes self-interest over national interest, would suddenly become involved with the Brazilian empire is truly suspicious.

"...What, is it really necessary to intervene in the Brazilian civil war?"

"Uh. You can't have beautiful women with hot South American blood, especially the Empress Pedro II and the Crown Princess Izabeu, die at the hands of a coup, that's a big hand to have to look at the entire human race!"

Bismarck gave me an incredulous look at my words.

"She won't die; executing the Brazilian royal family, who are so popular with the common people, even if they are republicans-"

"You know. How did the Bourbons' line get cut off?"


The Bourbons.

The Romanovs.

All of them lost their lineage at the hands of lowly, disgusting commoners.

And you expect me to believe in lowly things?!

Are you kidding me?

"Furthermore, your noble lineage could be trampled on and defiled by a madman who wields a penis with impunity. Go and stop him now! Send in the mercenary army and put an end to this coup!"


"Make sure you bring back the Empress Pedro II and the Crown Princess Izabeu!"

But I soon regretted this decision.

"If you think about it," I said, "if the Brazilian empire were to fall, I could have kept both Emperor Pedro II and Crown Princess Isabeu imprisoned in the Berlin Palace and watched them every day. It would be a shame."

"Ah. Crazy asshole."

Bismarck fainted as soon as he heard my low voice.

I didn't realize it until then.

Bismarck's limits were slowly approaching.




Princess Isabeu stepped onto the soil of the German Empire without knowing this backstory.

Inside the Berlin Palace, she handed me a letter from her mother, the Empress and Emperor Pedro II.

And then the negotiations began in earnest.

Naturally, the news excited intellectuals in Europe and the Americas, even during the Christmas holidays.

At first, the appetizer was the German Empire's deep involvement in the Brazilian civil war, which had brought the two empires closer together.

[Bridges of the New World, The German Empire and the Dawn of the Brazilian Union]

[German and Brazilian Empires Join Hands to Make History in the New World]

[The Promise of Two Nations Across the Atlantic: Celebrating the Historical Link between the Brazilian and German Empires]

"Hmmm. You mean the German Empire was involved in the Brazilian civil war?"

"But there was a civil war in Brazil?"

"That's right. And a small country in South America is not something a citizen of the great and glorious British Empire, which rules the five oceans and six continents, needs to know about, right?"

"...I suppose you have a point."

At some point, when intellectuals around the world thought lightly of it, documents began to be exchanged between the two empires.

Documents that lightly trampled on the Monroe Doctrine set forth by the United States of America began to be signed between the German Empire and the Brazilian Empire.

[Rising Empire, Brazilian and German Empires Join Hands]

[German and Brazilian Empires Declare Strategic Alliance Connecting Two Continents]

[Surprising news from the Telegraph: the Brazilian Empire and the German Empire sign an economic alliance]

[German Empire and Brazilian Empire Sign Customs Agreement]

[German Empire-Brazilian Empire to form a single market?]

As far as the economy goes, it's understandable.

The German Empire, the most industrialized and industrialized in the world, could sell machine parts, steel, shipbuilding, locomotives, railroads, etc. to a market of 14 million people, and the wheat, coffee, sugar cane, cotton, tobacco, nuts (such as Brazil nuts), timber, gold, diamonds, leather, and rubber that flowed from its vast territory to a market of 50 million people, with complementary benefits.

The real problem….

was the military alliance between the German Empire and the Brazilian Empire.

[Giant of the South, Powerhouse of the North, German-Brazilian Military and Economic Alliance in full swing]

[Under "A Auriverde Verde e amarela" and with the flag of the German Empire flying: Announcing the signing of the Grand Alliance with Brazil]

[Brazil-Germany Declare Alliance for a Common Future]

Portugal and the Austro-Hungarian Empire had been the Brazilian Empire's top diplomatic priorities until now.

Moving them down a notch and placing the German Empire at the top of the list sent the world into an uproar.

"Oh, fuck. That's fucked."

"So, does this mean we'll have to deploy more troops south of the Atlantic to keep the German-Brazilian alliance in check?"

"That's going to blow a hole in our blockade elsewhere, and we're going to have to issue government bonds to build more battleships."

"And that debt will soon be replaced by more taxes on the rest of us."



Around the world.

There was a chill in the air in the Berlin palace, especially as the British Empire reacted sensitively to the signing of the Brazilian-German alliance.

[Germany's House of Hohenzollern and Brazil's imperial family prepared to establish closer ties between the two royal families. Will the Kaiser dump Victoria and find a new empress?]

"What's going on, Kaiser?"




That day, I felt life-threatened.

I mean, seriously.