Atlantic Ocean pentagram Alliance

January 1, 1890.

The new year began with the refreshing news that the Kingdom of Italy had colonized Eritrea in the Horn of Africa.

It was the age of imperialism.

The end of the 19th century, full of romance.

I was able to receive from Bismarck the statistics of what had happened in 1889 and the current German Empire.

It seemed like a good thing the Gestapo had a big budget for statistics.

"Until now, I've only had your dubious statistics to give me a picture of the situation, but this is much more accurate!"

"We just lacked the budget and manpower, and if I had my way-"

"Of course you know of our efforts in Bismarck."


"But try a little harder."

Bismarck stuck her tongue out cutely at my comment.

Normally, I would have soothed her pout, but I decided to let her off the hook for her recent misbehavior.

Since the new year, our Bismarck has been radicalized.

She tried to sway the ruling Conservative Party of Germany, the coalition of the German Center Party and the German Imperial Party to pass a law outlawing the Social Democratic Party.

But I stamped out Bismarck's attempt by force.

It broke my heart to vote for her, but having lived through the 1940s, I didn't want to erase the Social Democratic Party.

I had seen with my own two eyes that if you erase the Social Democratic Party, it will later be reborn as a terrible beast called the Communist Party.


Ignoring Bismarck, who was puffing up his cheeks, I flipped through the papers that contained everything about the current German Reich.

And as soon as I saw the highlight at the bottom, I was stunned.

I almost felt a sense of pleasure at how much more powerful the German Empire had become than I had expected.

The German Empire.

Population: 54 million (△5%)

GDP: 1.26 (△5%)

"A population growth rate of 5%? Wasn't the original estimate 1.47%?"

"The birth rate of the mainland German Empire is only about 1.5, maybe 1.7%. We've only managed to raise it by 0.3% despite all our efforts."

"And the rest?"

"The population that crossed the border from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and settled in the German Empire."

The population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has been stagnant for decades.


Because it's a multiethnic country with frequent political conflicts, military deployments, no jobs, and food shortages.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is only slightly better than the Russian Empire.

The Austro-Hungarian empire was so deprived that they crawled into the Confederate States of America (CSA), which had pro-white policies while dreaming of the American dream.

The central administration actively encouraged emigration as overcrowding and starvation threatened to wipe them out.

"But why did they crawl into our German Reich last year and not into the Confederate States of America (CSA)?"

"Because it's cheaper."

"Cheaper? I heard that guano is only being mined this year?"

"Because we forced prices down with cheap wheat and agricultural products from pro-German Brazil, the Confederate States of America (CSA), the United States of America (with whom we got along well enough to trade in the Samoan crisis), the colonized German East Indies, and German West Africa."

I was a bit surprised by Bismarck's statement.

It's not easy to keep prices down in an empire with a low food self-sufficiency rate.

"To what extent?"

"Not as much as the French Republic, but much better than the British Empire?"

"...That puts us at the top of Europe, doesn't it?"

"Yes. And that's how we got a whopping five percent population growth rate, right?"


"Of course, it's short-term, but it's enough to help the German Empire's national strength, since I've ordered the border guards to only let in people of working age, reproductive age, and rich people with capital."



Bismarck, living a life for Germany, by Germany, for Germany.

Even I felt a slight chill at her cold smile.

Was this the man who had crushed two great powers and united the German Empire?


January 11, 1890.

Great Britain issued an ultimatum to Portugal.

"Wow. Great Britain, you crazy bastards, do you mean to tell me that you're going to tear apart your allies, your nabobs, anyone who gets in your way?"

"Well, in the British Empire's position, they could easily crush Portugal. It's strange that a small country should have colonies in the first place."

"Well. Though I must admit, they weren't exactly sharp when it came to tearing up Angola."

The year after Portugal was robbed of Angola under pressure from the top three powers, Great Britain and the German Empire.

The Portuguese, in a frenzy of colonial expansion, began a massive westward march, starting with Mozambique.

There was money coming in from the German Empire.

They brought in troops from the mainland, and then marched from Mozambique to Angola.

The only problem….

was that the British Empire, eager to build the Cape to Cairo Railroad, froth at the mouth and opposed it.

No British politician would stand for a small country like Portugal daring to scatter ashes on the world policy of a global superpower when it had the opportunity to connect Cairo to the Cape, throwing in the East Indies and West Africa at best.

"Pull your troops out of Mozambique completely…. no!! just give us Mozambique!"


Originally, history had ordered the withdrawal of Portuguese troops from the land between Mozambique and Angola, but the British Empire realized that its ally's colony was too tasty to pass up.

And so, on February 19th.

Portugal was forced to choke back tears and hand over Mozambique to the British.

1890: The Treaty of London was signed.


The world has been in a whirlwind of upheaval ever since.

July 1.

The Treaty of Helgoland-Zanzibar is signed between the British Empire and the German Empire.



Indian Ocean, north of the mouth of the Tana River, inland from the port of Lamu.

The British Empire annexed Wituland in East Africa, centered on the town of Witou, and in return, the German Empire agreed to cede the island of Helgoland in the northern bay.

"I've always been uneasy about Helgoland belonging to the British Empire, but I guess this will put that to rest."

"Heh heh, so is our British Empire. I've always been disgusted by the way it occupies the center coast of British East Africa."


"Please don't mention it in the future, because we, the British Empire, have anger issues with countries that upset the apple cart."

"Huh. I never thought I'd see eye-to-eye with the British Empire. That goes for our German Empire, too."





Little by little.

Little by little, the relationship between the British Empire and the German Empire began to weaken rapidly.

Perhaps the trigger was the Brazilian-German alliance?


July 2.

The Sherman Monopoly Partial Authorization Act and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act are finally passed by Congress.

July 3.

Idaho is admitted as the 43rd state of the United States.

July 10.

Wyoming is admitted as the 44th U.S. state.

The Confederate States of America (CSA) reacted to the explosive territorial expansion of the United States.

But the Confederate States of America (CSA) was not alone.

She was backed by the German Empire, the Brazilian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

Otto Eduard Leopold Fürst von Bismarck-Schönhausen of the German Empire.

"The relentless territorial expansion of the United States of America poses a serious threat to world peace and stability. Recently, the United States of America has shown its willingness to violate international law by attempting to annex the Republic of California."

"That doesn't sound like something the German Empire would say, does it?"

"It sets a dangerous precedent that justifies the invasion of a weaker nation by a stronger one. The German Empire strongly condemns these actions and calls on the United States of America to act as a responsible member of the international community."

"...Is this what you call a double standard?"

Baron de Rio Branco, Empire of Brazil.

"The expansionism of the United States of America is a direct threat to the countries of Latin America. The Empire of Brazil believes that the expansionism of the United States of America must be stopped in order to maintain peace and stability in Latin America."


"We propose a union of Latin American nations to resist the aggression of the United States of America."

"You're full of shit. Who the fuck thinks I don't know you're trying to lick your alliance's ass?!"

Gustav Kálmán, Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"American imperialism is also a threat to the interests of the European powers. The United States is already expanding its influence over the Chinese market and is attempting to penetrate the colonies of the European powers."


"The Austro-Hungarian Empire believes that the European powers must unite to check the expansionism of the United States of America. We must maintain international order through the cooperation of European nations."

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire sucks, but honestly, it makes no sense for the Yankees to challenge our influence, how dare they colonize!"

Safa Zeledini Pasha (Safa Zeki Paşa), Ottoman Empire

"The expansionism of the United States of America is a threat to the Muslims of the world. It must be stopped, O Allah!"

"O! Allah!"

"O Allah!"

"O Allah!"

"O! Allah!"





The contours of the German Empire and the alliances of the Confederate States of America (CSA), the Brazilian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire are slowly beginning to emerge.