Amber Was Cheating

I stumbled into the bridge, almost tripping over the last step as I entered.

"Careful there, Captain," Mara mused, watching me enter before her gaze went to my shoulder where the Psionic Shadows still clung to me. "Those things are still clinging on you I see."

"Yeah… At least they don't get in the way… Did anything happen?"

"Hmm~ Not at all, Captain, everything has been quiet so far. Although I do have a question…"

She went to the console panel and tapped on it to bring up a window where I was keeping my logs.

"I have to apologise for seeing it without permission so forgive me if I was not meant to see it… But what is this?" She asked, sounding more curious than anything else.

I chuckled, "Ah, we're doing a thing where we just keep logs of notable things that happen everyday. It's nothing too serious, just something that we're doing to memorialise our adventures together."