The Psionic Shadow's Planet

We were well on our way to the planet that the Psionic Shadows had requested us to take them to.

Also, just saying, the station really did explode but we were already quite far away from it when it did, so the only thing we could see was just a small flash of light in the distance signifying the explosion.

The Psionic Shadows were still clinging on me but the good thing was that they learned how not to get in my way.

Sometimes I would even totally forget that they were there until they popped out suddenly and I got reminded I had six shadowy fairies constantly around me.

I've still yet to figure out why they were being so clingy though and the girls don't know why either.

Amber suggested that perhaps they were just really attached to me because I was the one who saved them and while I guess that might be the case, I reminded her that the first one we freed also tried to attack us.