6. Business Trip

I never felt so insulted in my life, I have never cheated neither do I plan to, this was like a slap to my face. I was so disappointed in Sipho, clearly he had a lot of traumas he needed to deal with, but why did he bring them to our relationship? Why did he not understand that I had dreams and goals and that this job would help me realize those dreams? 'Was I perhaps wrong about Sipho and the kind of person he is?', I thought to myself. At this moment I was feeling a lot of emotions and I didn't want to say things I would regret so the best thing to do was to ask Sipho to leave, "Sipho I see that we are not on the same page and I am very disappointed and angry at this moment, can you please leave? We both need to breathe..."

He was in so much disbelief, I saw the rage in his eyes, but he had no choice but to leave. I didn't want the Sipho drama to ruin my moment, so I pulled myself together and called the one person I knew would celebrate this moment with me, my mother. My mother was my biggest fan, if only all the men I met were a bit more supportive and open-minded, life would be so perfect.

As expected my mom was so happy, I could hear her calling my dad and telling him about my first business trip, just like that, my mood was back to "happy and excited!".

The morning came, and my manager sent a chauffeur to come pick me up because it would be difficult to get public transport at this time of morning, as much as I was excited, I couldn't stop thinking about Sipho and his reaction, 'I mean, is this the type of guy and energy I need in my life?!?', I was so frustrated.

I got to the plane and it was everything I expected and more, I was offered a drink at the door, and guided to the seats. The Private jet was exceptional, there were snacks and a bar by the corner, and the were 5 seats which looked extra comfy. I was the first one there and there was an elderly man who looked like a butler and he informed me that the president would be a tad late due to unexpected delays and went on to offer me something to eat...

As I was enjoying myself, I saw a black Mercedes pull up and my manager got out looking exceptionally beautiful, as usual, at that moment, I found myself thinking, 'How did she get her husband to understand her career and her goals'...I went on to focus on my food without noticing that there was a second person with her, only when I heard a voice calling out my name that I realized Walter was joining us.

"Ms Thandie Lohan...."

I felt chills and goosebumps, 'No no no, he can't be here? Damn you Sipho for being a jerk! Walter is affecting me again',

I turned to him and my attention was immediately drawn to my pissed manager, she never liked being late and I guess her being late had to do with Walter,

"Cuz, I said I am sorry already, who knew my car would get a puncture so early in the morning and result in me missing the flight...", he said while trying to act cute. I swear Puss in Boots had nothing on this guy. Although the cuteness was not working on my manager, I was definitely feeling things. 

"Oh shut up Walter, I told you to get a chauffer but you insisted on driving, the only reason I picked you is that your girlfriend duped you and you looked like a lost puppy yesterday", she said handing her handbag and coat to the butler,

"But cuz, yo-",

I could not believe my ears I was so shocked that I shouted, "Wait, Walter had a girlfriend?!!!"