7. Business trip -2

I did not realize that I had cut Walter off until the look on their faces and the silence in the plane made me aware that I asked the question out loud. You see, it was normal for the president and Walter to bicker in front of me but I never once paid attention. I would usually have my headsets on or just pay no attention at all but today I did something out of the ordinary and I really thought they were going to leave me behind, instead a burst of huge laughter broke out from my manager, "You see Walter, you don't even look like the type to have a girlfriend, I have been telling you to change your childish ways", she took her seat right in front me;

'She completely misunderstood me' I thought to myself while letting out a huge sigh, but I was also a bit disappointed, I didn't expect him to have a girlfriend. As hot and handsome as he was, I hoped he was not taken.

He let out a huge sigh came and sat next to me and leaned on my shoulder, it was like my butting in their business was an invitation for him to get comfortable around me. Nevermind the invasion of my space, my heart started racing and my palms became sweaty, 'OMG! Walter is leaning on me' I was freaking out in my head. It's not like I loved him, but I found myself extremely attracted to him and that moment confirmed it.

"Why are women like this?!?" He let out another huge sigh, "Cuz I really liked her, I had plans, but I guess I was not the one for her"

You could hear the pain in his voice, it was something I related with, and I felt sorry for him.

"Walter, I told you that girl was trouble, but you never listened", my manager said while flipping through a work file, "Let's focus on this project, we will nurse your feelings later".

My manager was good in most things, her only downfall was that she lacked social skills, and she did not have a filter. If you don't know her, you will mistake her for being cold, rude, and insensitive, but after spending some time with her, you will become used to it, like Walter,

"Cuz, I hurting here, pay attention", while pretending to cry.

The pilot announced our departure and we fastened our seatbelts and waited for further instructions, soon enough, we were one with the clouds.

While I was busy admiring the sky, I felt a hand touching mine, I felt a rush of emotions throughout my body, 'Sipho Sipho' I kept reciting Sipho's name hoping to get ahold of myself. I turned to Walter and he looked at me as if he knew exactly what was happening every time he touched me, he smiled and leaned even closer to me while hugging my arm, 'What the hell is happening right now,?!?' I thought.

He continued to sigh and lean on my shoulder until he fell asleep while hugging my arm, he looked quite charming when he was asleep, but I also realised that when he was serious he had a bit of mystery in him. I couldn't quite figure him out...also, what was it about him and his touches that got me so reactive...