33. Drunk Mind, Sober heart

At first, I was confused by Walter's text, "Outside where? Sandra, is there someone outside?" Also curious as I was, Sandra rushed to the window, "OH MY GOD! Is that the infamous Walter?".

I put the glass of wine on the table to rush to the window, "infamous? What infamous? he is not infamous?", I blushed at the sight of him, he looked extra handsome with his curly hair neatly tied up, and a black designer suit that hugged his muscular body, 'why was a man as hot as that so obsessed with an ex, he could have anyone he wanted?', "What a waste of looks and charm?", I said.

Sandra tapped me on my shoulder, "Stop drooling, just go and say hi, also this is the perfect opportunity to tell him about that time off. Here, down this...you need the strength", she handed me the rest of the bottle, and in a matter of minutes, it was empty, "Go ..go, hurry, here, take this", she handed me the flowers, "Go give him a piece of your mind,".

I was fired up, and I was ready to tell him off, although my steps were unstable, I was ready. Looking back, I don't know why I was so obedient to Sandra, I knew she was setting me up for failure, how do you send an angry drunk girl who had an awful day to the source of the problem? But I appreciated the push. 

I walked up to Walter, "Yes You!, what do you want?", I missed a step, and poor Walter had to rush to catch me before I fell face first, "Don't touch me!, Don't touch me, you cheater! Or wait, you are not even cheating, are you? Because we are not dating, " I started laughing hysterically, " Oh wow, must be nice for you, the rules still work for you",

"Yes girl! tell him!", Sandra was cheering from the door, "Also, don't forget the flowers". I drunkenly looked back at her, "What flowers?", she pointed at my hand, "Oh yes, Rachel's flowers!", I turned to Walter, "How dare you give me Rachel's favorite flowers? Why didn't you just buy fruits or something or-?", "Or wine?!", Sandra shouted. 

The commotion started to attract an audience, people were watching from their windows, and I could hear dogs barking, but I was too fired up to stop, "Yeah, wine, but you chose your girlfriend's flowers? Really?", the number of people cheering grew, "what a horrible person you are to do this to such a sweet girl, ", One neighbor said. "I know right!!!!!!", Sandra replied, "He is a terrible person!"

I could only imagine Walter's face, but I was too riled up to care, "You...you..handsome ugly man..." I threw the flowers at him, "was asking me to ride in the same car as her not enough,"

Walter finally said something, "I really didn't know that you knew she was my ex, if I ha-", 

"And that makes it alright? You jerk! hit him with the flowers again, ", the nice old lady said while patting his cat. I was about to hit him with flowers again, when I stumbled, falling into his arms, and having a clear view of his handsome face, my heart skipped a bit, I blushed a little and I would have wavered if it weren't for Sandra, "Oh no missy, you are not done yet! there are just two more things left to say,".

I quickly composed myself to continue my reign of terror only to be whisked up by Walter who threw me into the passenger seat and drove out with me!

"Hey Thandie, Stand firm, don't let h--", Sandra's voice was fading there further we drove "Are you kidnapping me?", I kicked and yelled, "Where are you taking me, I want Sandra", 

"Calm down, how much did you have to drink?", Walter asked, while staring at the road ahead, I calmed down, and sat up straight, "Why do you care?! Shouldn't you be with your precious ex? You guys seemed to spend a lot of time together".

Walter glanced at me, "It is not what you think", then turned back to the road, "She is not my girlfriend, we are not doing anything that you and I do. I promise I will explain, give me some time",

I was getting tired of hearing him say the same thing, he has been saying that for a while now, but not giving me something to work with, "Time, Time...time...that's all you ever say, time. How long? And also, where are we going?", I frantically looked around for a familiar sign.

He took a turn to an underground parking in a very tall, expensive-looking building, "My place, I did say that I needed to talk to you, but I need you to be sober so we are going to sober you up",

I instantly began having naughty ideas, and I guess it was visible enough to make Walter comment, "Nope, we are not going to do that?!". I was embarrassed at him taking a peek at my private thoughts, "What, what am I thinking?"

"Nope Thandie, nope,", he was getting shy also, he leaned over to unfasten my seatbelt, and his scent sent me into a different universe where Sandra was waiting for me, "No, no missy, stand firm!", I snapped back to reality, "Fine, I was j-". 

Walter rushed for my lips, the was something different about this kiss, it was gentle and innocent, and neither of us wanted to push beyond it, I felt my heart open up, the more our lips collided. It was a different kind of rush, the kind that made me want to stay with him, there were no fireworks, but it felt pure. It was my first time experiencing such emotions from just a kiss. It was passionate enough to keep us going for 10 minutes.