Ch-37:The Agat Empire

The Arcane Empire, commanded by the Russell Imperial Family, was named after its ancient powerhouses, who possessed abilities beyond comprehension.

Unfortunately, none of their descendants inherited that power, as the original creators and rulers of the Empire disappeared mysteriously without leaving any legacy behind.

Altair was racking her brain to think of a proper title that suited their empire, yet she couldn't think of a title that completely fit their empire, so she went to Raon.

At the current stage, Raon was busy reading the last unread cultivation technique that had been passed down to the generations in the Russell family.

Altair disturbed Raon while he was trying to decipher the texts, as they were in an entirely different form from the cultivation techniques of the current era.

Raon unmistakably sensed Altair but didn't react, as she was the only one who could enter and exit freely anywhere without any restrictions imposed on her.

Altair waited as she saw that Raon seemed to be absorbed in reading the cultivation technique before she noticed his facial expression changing to a deep frown.

Raon gave up on it for now as he was having a headache from the weird terminology in the cultivation technique, so he turned to face Altair.

"Whatever brings you here to this ol' me?" Raon asked with a little icy and distant tone.

"Liakroso Empire is good, but you accelerated the war, and now we are one of the 51 titled empires instead of the Arcane Empire, but where is our title?" Altair answered, totally ignoring her father's 'remarks'.

Both of them were well aware that it was just his anger, as she didn't visit him at all during the time she was fighting on the frontlines, so it was more or less just his worry for her.

"No idea. Just put whatever you want. You're the one to take care of it either way." As Raon said that, he turned around as if the conversation had concluded.

"What do you mean, whatever? It's your damned empire. There has to be a reason you created it, no?" Altair said as she felt a headache coming her way.

"You" Raon said one word as if it were supposed to explain everything.

Altair thoroughly hated dealing with this side of her father; he was so irresponsible and uncaring that she completely felt like paying her filial piety by correcting him.

Unfortunately, she was significantly weaker than him; otherwise, she would have simply forced him to be the Emperor and deal with the mess he created.

The two were father and daughter, yet they bickered like siblings and loved to put the blame and burden of work on each other.

The reason Altair preferred to fight on the frontlines was that she felt it was better than taking care of the Empire as the heir.

And if not for the two generals and various ministers doing all the work, she would have escaped long ago.

Well, her work was minimal to the point because various rulers and their 'royal' families were bound to work for Raon.

They were being worked to the bones to see to it that the empire was functioning as well as it was before and to improve the total power level of the empire.

All she had to do was manage the payments and give orders, yet she found even that displeasing as it shackled her freedom.

In this regard, she was just like her father, whom she spent so much time with, yet her mother, Lia, had left a deep impression on her to the point that it was engraved inside her mind.

She still had a sense of responsibility, despite one part of her wanting to completely slack off and focus on raising her strength so she could force her elusive father to work, due to her mom's early teachings.

Just as Altair was massaging her forehead, thinking about everything her father had caused in recent times, she heard her father's voice.

"Just name it after yourself or your mother, or find a husband and let him deal with it" Raon was murmuring to himself in a low voice seemingly audible to Altair.

She was undoubtedly irritated because she knew it was on purpose, as she had no interest in finding a man or getting married, for that matter.

In her anger, she slashed her sword at Raon from his back, but he easily blocked it with his bare fingers as if it wasn't a big deal.

He was already used to her emotional outbursts whenever he spoke about his future son-in-law, so he expected such a reaction.

Naturally, he didn't retaliate, but Altair clicked her tongue before leaving the sword and running away before she was captured.

She ran away as Raon threw her sword at her back, which landed right in front of her around 200 meters from Raon.

He didn't follow up, though, as he had attached a single chit that was fluttering on the hilt, which made Altair halt her steps right there.

'I'll enthrone you if you run away'

This line was more than enough to make Altair feel shivers down her spine just imagining the scene where she'll be the empress and Raon would have left everything to her.

She immediately took a U-turn as she returned for her due punishment in front of Raon, who simply smiled at her that didn't reach his eyes, startling Altair to her core.

She was already aware of her punishment as soon as she saw that smile; she had already done it without it being a punishment, and now it was going to be much worse.

All the cultivation manuals that Raon read were never sent back, as he improved them and put them in his library.

Altair had been choosing and sending all the improved techniques throughout the Liakroso Empire that helped in increasing the average strength throughout.

She had read thousands of such cultivation techniques that he felt she would cry if she did it one more time; hence, she has stopped it since she went to the frontlines.

The worst part for her was that she currently had to read and arrange the cultivation techniques to be sent throughout their Titled Empire, and her entire stature turned pitiful.

Well, her state might have melted anyone in the world due to her absurd beauty, but for Raon, she was just his little child, making those failed attempts just appear cute in his eyes.

He wasn't the least bit bothered about subjecting her to such work since it would have an overall positive impact in the long term as well as the short term.

He was also prepared for the war with the Cloud Sea Empire in case the information regarding so many good cultivation manuals leaked because his current strength was just below Daiyu Sacred Land's Sect Master.

That was the reason he ignored everything and focused on carving out better cultivation techniques, as he wasn't an idiot who would do only one thing at a time.

Fortunately, Altair agreed to do it with tears in her eyes as she spent the next decade spreading the improved cultivation techniques.

Before she even started, though, Raon took away one of her burdens as he gave a title to the Liakroso Empire.

'The Agat Empire'