Ch-42:Zwigo Arrives

Around the same time, Raon was about to be sucked by the portal to the upper realm, and the heavens were showing their wrath on him.

Fenlie Zwigo was very close to corrupting the world's spirit, and just when he thought he was going to succeed, the entire world shook.

He felt that it was due to him, making him feel elated until he felt heaven's wrath when he started doubting if he should give up.

Just as he was in a serious internal struggle to give up or not, the world paused before soon it resumed, and he felt the world calm once again.

When he took notice of the spirit, he noticed that it was completely corrupted but not entirely tamed, as he felt excited, grinning widely.

He forgot the oddity in the situation as if it never occurred due to the mysterious powers used to stop Raon's ascension and deal with his mental breakdown.

The spirit finally took form in front of Fenlie Zwigo, as he was left awed by her beauty despite her core being corrupted, affecting her physical appearance as well.

Zwigo felt that this was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, despite her being an ethereal spirit and not a physical body.

He could also feel that she was resisting and trying to overcome the control that Zwigo barely had over her.

Unfortunately, she was a spirit, and his charm didn't work on her, so he was left with no option but to get physical, which was a challenge on its own.

He somehow managed to question her to find out the location of the one who attacked his territories, disturbing him and creating chaos all across.

Despite her resistance, her lips quivered without voice for a while before she was jolted, and her eyes turned lifeless as her mouth moved.

"Rio..." was all she muttered, despite the electrifying pain.

Zwigo had to use forceful methods that he learned from the inheritance that he got from the goldish-white ring that he received in those ancient ruins.

As soon as he heard 'Rio', he had a moment of realization since only that weird and elusive Emperor fit the bill that he hadn't found yet.

He ordered to find any information regarding 'Rio Kigost von Liakroso' across all the continents, as every single one of them was scoured for clues.

What no one expected was to find some demon beast that told them he had made a deal with them in the past for residence on their continent.

As soon as Zwigo received the report, he felt enlightened and was ordered to attack and take down Rio, including everyone that was around him.

After that, he tried to solve the problem of non-physicality with the world's spirit as he tried to touch her, and surprisingly, he could.

After confirming that he could touch her despite her resistance against being controlled by him, he immediately started.

Zwigo didn't waste a single second, as he literally started to do sexual activity with her on the ground, which was very deep below the surface.

For almost the entire night, he continued that when he felt that she was under his control but not completely, despite his best abilities, he only got partial success.

Zwigo ordered her to tell him the information regarding Rio Kigost von Liakroso, but she didn't speak despite being under partial control.

But when he asked about ascenders and all the information regarding that, she gave away all the information that he had been seeking for his entire life.

After feeling elated at his success, he asked his subordinates about Rio, and all he got to know was that they failed to breach the formation.

Zwigo's facial expressions dropped as he asked the spirit why she didn't say anything about Rio since he seemed far more mysterious.

"Who's Rio Kigost von Liakroso? I don't know anyone by that name" she answered without any reservations.

Zwigo was astounded since she was literally aware of everything yet not Rio, making him question her in different ways to get some answers.

"Rio... Rio. I don't remember, but he has a part of me and some unknown treasure" answered the corrupted spirit after countless failed questions.

Zwigo felt his heart racing as soon as he heard those words, thinking about the treasure unknown to even a world spirit. Just what could be such a rare treasure?

He also realized that something fishy was going on, and the spirit in front of him probably knew Rio, who also knew her.

He thought up a plan and felt that this would suit the best, as he remembered that he also had a daughter and included her in the plan.

Zwigo took the spirit, his seven wives, and various strong(wo)men amongst his followers to attack Rio and everything that he had there.


Back at the castle, Raon was looking outside through the opening at a height of around six thousand meters from the ground.

All he could see was the darkness as the attacks continued without pause, and their resources were being burned at a very fast pace.

Fortunately, Raon had stolen and gathered enough resources to not care about the resources currently, as the attacks and counter attacks were within an acceptable range.

The entire night went by like that for him as he reminisced about his entire life that he could remember since he was highly certain that he would die.

He was just busy planning his regression as he applied the soul-sealing technique given to him by Hexine that helped seal his desired memories within.

His current soul was far stronger and would end up killing his past self if he did not seal it, only to be unlocked after specific cultivation realms or other requirements.

He sorted out all his memories as he sealed them deep inside his soul, directly on the natal soul, which shouldn't be touched by anyone below a certain realm.

Of course, Raon wasn't aware of any such things and went with his instincts, and despite the gut-wrenching pain that he experienced, he felt that it was successful.

Unfortunately, he had to go through the process multiple times to complete it and seal all his memories into his soul.

By the time Raon completed the entire process, it was morning, and the bright sunshine was visible to him despite his wretched state.

The sun's rays fell on his face as he felt like dying after all the pain he went through last night, and the formation was also on the verge of crumbling.

Just as Raon was about to order the removal of the formation, it shook in its entirety before it finally shattered, and Raon squinted his eyes to notice the white-haired youngster who attacked.

Of course, neither Raon nor Zwigo were young, but their high cultivation base made them appear to be in their twenties.

The invaders all hooted in excitement at Zwigo's appearance as he crumbled the formation in mere two strikes, along with his entourage of various females.

All the females left his side as they went to command from different directions and began their attacks on Raon's mountain range.

But Altair had prepared a sweet surprise for their invaders, which they didn't discover until it was too late. They were destined to suffer its effects.