An Interesting Encounter...

{He's done it! He's done it!}

{His first game in the home colors and he's put his foot down on solid ground with a wonderful display of a goal!}

{He did it last match in Leverkusen and now he's brought this performance back home with a goal that will have him worming his way into the hearts of the most staunch of Porto fans}

{What a talent! What a display of skill and pace! What composure! What a goal!}

{We might just be witnessing the genesis of a player whose name will shock the world in the years to come}

The commentator would not stop talking in excitement and his infectious voice was spreading waves of excitement in the stadium.

Luiz Diaz was the first to arrive beside Jason and he jumped on him from behind, causing Jason to pause his celebration and hold him before he pulled both of them to the ground in his excitement, but then the other players arrived and the celebrations continued for a few more seconds.