An Interesting Encounter... II

"Something smells mighty good around here," Jason heard Mylo's voice as the footsteps came closer to the kitchen, but he didn't stop what he was doing and carefully pulled out the chicken from inside the oven and placed it on the counter.

At this point, Mylo had appeared in his sight and he was bare-chested, but wearing a grey pair of shorts, and beside him was a woman who looked to be in her mid to late twenties and was somehow fully dressed, despite the half-naked state of her accomplice.

"Bro, are you cooking?" Mylo asked in a surprised tone.

"As you can see," Jason replied with a roll of his eyes, disappointed in himself for believing that Mylo had turned over a new leaf and no longer brought women home every night.

"You can cook?" Mylo asked in absolute disbelief.

"Well, you don't see the food magically appearing and preparing itself, do you?" Jason asked dryly.