Chronicles of Lockdown XII (A Martial Exchange)

"Thanks," Mylo muttered as he caught the towel and bottle of water that Jason tossed to him one after the other. With a quick snap of his wrists, he opened up the water bottle and began gulping down.

Jason headed over to the phone on the stand, intending to read the comments made by the viewers about Mylo's push-ups, but to his surprise, all the comments seemed to be directed at him.

{We heard the girl's voice, rose dragon. and we demand answers!} a user named Tsetth commented.

{Bruh pulled away from the live stream to answer a woman friend} xBuu commented.

{Now we know he ain't gay} thegame26 commented.

"Gay? What would make you even think that?" Jason immediately asked as that particular comment stood out to him among all the others.

With a face as handsome as his, who would dare to doubt his manly integrity?