Chronicles of Lockdown XIII (A Martial Exchange II)

"... Don't say I didn't warn ya," Jason said with a wry smile on his face as he put the phone stand and adjusted it back so that it could record the upcoming 'martial exchange'.

"Do you need to rest for a few more minutes?" Jason asked as he picked up his phone to set a timer of three minutes.

He needed the alarm to remind him to stop beating up Mylo in case he got carried away pummeling Mylo… though that was unlikely.

Beating up Mylo for a minute should be enough, but the alarm was there in case Mylo tried to run away.

"I'm okay… I have enough fuel in me to wipe you all over this place," Mylo replied, his overconfidence pushing him to even begin trash-talking Jason.

"Oh, I see," Jason muttered as he put his phone down, picked up a tape, and began wrapping his hand with professional speed and efficiency and he soon wrapped his two hands in tape in less than thirty seconds.